Friday, August 6, 2010

How do you deal with rotten situations that you have no control over?

I just try to make the best of it....How do you deal with rotten situations that you have no control over?
Thank you very much. :)

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How do you deal with rotten situations that you have no control over?
i run away and hide
Forget them and move on!!
By living in the moment.

If you have no control of the situation, then you have no choice but to take on life as it happens.

Have you worried about something, that ended up turning out okay, but you stressed out about it so much that it ruined your day, or the week, that you worried about it? So try not to let the situation get you down, eventually things will be better.

Look at the good things in your life. Try to figure out how to improve your life, so you have more things to feel good about. Mostly believe in yourself and known that you will get through it. Don't the bad situations stop you from enjoying your life.

I guarantee there are many people who are in worst situations.

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