Tuesday, August 24, 2010

How come there are no massacres in the states with gun control?

The three states (actually, jurisdictions) in the US with the strongest gun laws are California, New Jersey, and the District of Columbia. In recent memory, there have been no major massacres in any of those states. All the massacres seem to be in states with weak gun laws, such as Columbine High in Colorado, Virginia Tech in Virginia, and now Fort Hood in Texas.How come there are no massacres in the states with gun control?
California is in ****! Its a lost state, they want our help!

And it wasnt someone that went nuts b/c we dont have strict laws, he was upset and planned to do this b/c he was a wuss who didnt want to hurt his ';people'; in iraq. He had no balls to stand up for a country that gave him a medical degree, in a country where he borrowed freedom and stole lives.How come there are no massacres in the states with gun control?
Perhaps there hasn't been a recent massacre in California and DC, but they certainly have their share of murders involving guns! And I recall last year a guy in California walked in an opened fire at a Christmas party killing some people.

As far as Fort Hood, that is a Military base and many of the soldiers are issued guns. That doesn't mean they carry them all the time, usually just when they are deployed, but I can't think of a place with more gun control then a Military base! When my husband was in the Military and we lived on base, it wasn't even allowed to have a gun in your base housing if it was registered.

These people that commit these crimes are crazy @sses. They would have got their hands on a gun one way or another.
Maybe not massacres... but tons more homicide. Baltimore has super strong gun control and is, as far as I know, still crime capital of the United States. Don't even get me started on new jersey. And have you ever actually been to DC. Spend a week in Southeast DC, you probably won't come back.
Yet more people are killed by guns in those states and D.C. You look only for the massacre. Look for the total killed and it will be higher in those areas, higher crime rates also.

Kinda like a plane crash a lot of people are killed all at once so it makes the news but a fatal car crash every 30 minutes no one pays attention.
Interesting take on the subject....

Why then does California have a 72.2% Per Capita gun crime and Texas has 64.8% Colorado is 58.3 and Virginia is at 64.8

Alaska has virtually zero gun control laws and their gun crime statistics are 45.9

Your assertions don't add up when compared to the facts.
im not a redneck and you can just give up cuz even if you stupid mother ******* wanna give up your rights im not letting you take mine with them so i don't give a **** what kind of laws get passed im keeping my guns all 5 of them and there is not shyt you can do about it as for you question it is completely retarded look at the murder rate of the three places you just mentioned cali haha ever heard of compton they got a higher body count than any mass shooting new jersey yeah great place to live and district of columbia don't get me started on the crime there you gotta be out your ****** mind
You know, how many gang related shootings get reported?

Probably never because the media focuses on celebrities.

To the media inner city kids are roaches.

It's sad but that's reality.

To kill this thesis, you must look at the places of highest crime, so what if you can't let people get guns legally. People will get them illegally. Look at the inner cities of California. Where I am from. It's dangerous. I'm not walking around down town LA at night.
You really think gun control works because you have a bad memory? I remember last year a man in California dressed in a Santa Claus suit killed ten people including himself. All gun control did was prevent any of the victims from defending themselves.
There's a whole bunch of states left without massacres there skippy. Many of which have very lenient gun laws. As for California, New Jersey and the District of Columbia. Lets talk violent crime stats.
That's anecdotal. Massacres are a rare event, trying to infer anything by looking at a few cases isn't very convincing. It's also data mining. Why look at just massacres? Why not look at all gun crime.
Wackos will find ways to kill regardless of state laws. McVeigh could just have easily blown up a federal building in California.
Just like a lib, try to blane a gun for the nut that is doing the killing. What if he used a pipe bomb? Would you want to outlaw pipe? Planes were used on 9/11 why don't we outlaw them?
Pretty sure the hypothesis you're trying to promote, is completely invalid. Too many co-factors and extraneous factors exist.

The gun laws are a moot point here.
Actually, those states have the strongest laws protecting gun rights, not the weakest.
Maybe not but even adding the number of ';massacres'; those states mention still have a higher rate of gun crimes...
all the massacres are where the nuts show up.should we ban cars,highway accidents kill more people than guns! what the fk! typical liberal stupidity......

Two words: The Constitution

You're not banning guns get over it.
this is the most weak argument for high gun control ive ever heard. do some real research please.
Massacres are a random event. It has nothing to do with politics.
Drunken hillbillies often go beserk.
Good ol' boys just gotta shoot someone, now and then....

. Are there any risk factors for heart attacks that you have no control over?

Explain.. please help!. Are there any risk factors for heart attacks that you have no control over?
I would say two factors over which you have no control would be race and genetics. Also many people have no control over living in poverty. No money=little to no proper health care, lower food quality...you get my point.. Are there any risk factors for heart attacks that you have no control over?
genetic disposition - i.e. a heart defect you inherited, like arrythmia or a faulty valve.
  • make up tips
  • If there's no ';Animal Control'; in your area, what can U do about unwanted, stray cats on your property?

    Ask the police. Even if there is no separate animal control function, there has to be somebody with the job of handling animal related issues. It might be a state function.If there's no ';Animal Control'; in your area, what can U do about unwanted, stray cats on your property?
    by an oduor spray that repels them, a safer option than poisoning them!!! or put a water sprinkler on when they come in your garden, soon wont come anymore!If there's no ';Animal Control'; in your area, what can U do about unwanted, stray cats on your property?
    Get a grip.

    There cats there not causing you any harm.

    They will wonder, its there nature.
    Poison or humane traps are the only thing I could think of.
    Shoot them.
    get a bb gun

    Do women like to be controlled by men because they have no sense of self-control?

    Women are always talking about wanting ';a man who knows how to take control.'; To me, this seems like a plan devised by women so they don't have to be personally accountable for their out-of-control behaviors, which are all too common.Do women like to be controlled by men because they have no sense of self-control?
    What you say is not false; there is quite a bit of truth in it.Do women like to be controlled by men because they have no sense of self-control?
    You must be young.
    Women are not always talking about ';wanting a man who knows how to take control.'; One or two women of your acquaintance, may have spoken of this, but I have never heard it nor has anybody I asked either. One or two men thought it sounded like wishful thinking - ';a bloke wanting total control?'; one of them asked.

    The next stage of this exercise would be the man shouting: ';Why can't you take responsibility for yourself!'; Try writing more disciplined prose and you will probably attract fewer out-of-control women.
    Hey Axel, enjoyed your movies! I don't know how many women really say such things in this day and age. But if you are really hearing it from a large number of women I am going to guess that it is one way of saying that a man who exhibits confidence is appreciated. A man who knows how to control himself, his life, a given situation, would be a man who is considered confident, intelligent and capable. These are all traits that are highly valued by men as well as women. Please don't confuse that with women wanting to be controlled by any man in their life. Very few women really want that. Even in cases where a woman might confuse that sort of control for confidence, sooner or later she will see the difference, and will cease to appreciate it. And I daresay will cease to put up with it. Do you see the difference? PS: There are as many different attitudes among women as there are among men. So please don't fall into the trap of thinking that all women are alike in any sort of behavior, attitude or reaction towards anything. Do you think that all of the men you know in this world are all alike? I'm guessing your honest answer will be ';no.'; And if so, why would you think that all of the women in this world are alike in any way? Just something to think about.
    I honestly haven't heard any women say that, but I would assume any woman who would say she wanted a man in control, would mean that she wanted a man in control of his own life, or himself.

    Personally, I take pride in being accountable for my actions, choices, etc. I enjoy being independent because it is a personality trait I admire.

    I am sorry if you feel that most women are out-of-control and don't want to be responsible for themselves. But more so, I'm sorry that there are women out there who are giving you this impression of all of us.
    You're right about part of it:

    Women don't have any sense of control, but you're wrong, we don't like to be controlled by men. We are controlled by those waves coming from outer space that tell us what to do and say that will most irritate guys like you. Did it work?


    I don't know any woman who says they want a man who knows how to take control. Are there really women who say this? Please tell me where so I can be sure to avoid that state or country.
    People ask me why I don't have a ';boyfriend';.

    It's this attitude that does it for me...
    All these girls answering... The reason is that women want to feel safe and taken care of (not to mention special). Most women have this kind of mentality ingrained into them, that the guy should take care of them. So when you're going out to dinner, they don't want you to ask you what restaurant to go to (so that you both enjoy the food), but rather they want you to take them somewhere that they will like... in other words, you have to read their mind. Goodluck with that!
    I can't answer for other women and what they want, but I have never wanted a man to control me. I have had far more self-control than any of the men I've been with, who all turned out to be either drug-addicted, alcoholics, or aggressive twits, or a combination of all three! My problem has never been one of trying to find a man to take control of me, but rather of trying to find a man who DOESN'T want to take control of me, but wants me as an equal partner in an equal relationship. If you're hanging around with women who want a ';father-figure'; in a relationship, you need to hang out in a more mature crowd, mate!
    who have you been seeing? it's the new millennium. women now are leading nations, multi-national companies and other stuff. we take part and excel in sports, arts, finance and all facets of life. we take control of our lives. if a woman tells you that she wants a man who takes control, you have to ask her in what context. is it in deciding where and when to take your vacation, where to go to dinner or what movie to see? now, i hardly see that as ';a plan devised'; to be unaccountable for our behaviour.
    Where did you get THAT lovely gem of non-information?

    ';women are always talking about...'; where? which women? who collected this data?

    define ';out of control behaviors'; please, because im not quite sure what you mean.

    Basically, all you did was make up a statement, based on some opinions that you probably saw in an entertainment magazine, to justify trying to insult women.

    Your eloquent non-argument is duly noted and summarily ignored.
    didnt i tell you to hold my purse when i shop?

    bad boy for not listening!
    Shadow Dweller reminds us aptly how important it is to keep a sense of humor. Thanks.
    no i dont think that quite is what it means. i sometimes like to be controled, by being told what to do and when to do it. when to sit and stand and when i can speak. but not all the time. only when i am feeling week. its nice to give the control to someone else until you regain it for yourself. but thats just me.

    and the saying that women want a man to take control, it means more like take control of the making the bulk of the money, finding the house... manly things. or at least thats how i see it.
    Right. Go to your closest nearby jail. Counts the females who are there due to 'out of control' behaviors. Now count the males.

    Do the same thing at your local hospital.

    Do the same thing at your local morgue.

    Come back and tell us what you learned.
    I choose to be completely independent and that's why I don't date anymore. I just didn't like other people telling me what to do, nor do I like making life easier for a guy just so he could walk all over me.
    indeed some women do prefer to have a man who is in control of them. Usually a big mean muscular one. However, there are almost as many women who prefer a 'shy guy' or someone who 'makes them laugh'.

    It depends on many factors, such as the way they're brought up, cultural settings etc. It's the same with men. Some men want a woman to be timid and reliant on them for everything, and they won't let a woman do anything for themselves, and some men (like myself) prefer a woman to be independant and ambitious.

    It's safe to say that most women want a man who knows how to take control when it's necessary, but also respects them as women with their own minds and freedom.

    Never try to understand the diversity of womankind my friend, they are too confusing.

    How to control/conquer appetite (spiritual answers, no fasting please)?

    I am having difficulty controlling appetite. The form of god I worship (Sai Baba of Shirdi) tells all that one should eat in moderation and should not entertain the endless desires of the tongue. He also tells that one should not fast if one is following his spiritual path. I have difficulty controlling my appetite and putting god's teachings into practice. I would be grateful if someone gave me practical tips and advice on how I can control my tongue.How to control/conquer appetite (spiritual answers, no fasting please)?
    I will share what works for me. I eat anything that I want to eat, but I do not EVER eat all of it. I do NOT clean my plate. If we go out to eat, I always bring a box of food home for later. You can eat every two hours and eat whatever you want but don't OVEREAT. Each time you eat your stomach will either shrink or stretch to accommodate what it is given. Over time you can shrink your stomach and you will get full more quickly and when you are 'full' stop. Actually, stop before you get that feeling. Eat slowly and you will know when to stop. It works for me and I have never dieted and I am the perfect weight for my height.How to control/conquer appetite (spiritual answers, no fasting please)?
    you may be not eating enough food that fills you up. oats help you stay full in small portions. also you may need more protein, this helps you stay fuller longer also. if you can't eat meat try different types of bean and legumes like chickpeas, you can even eat tofu. pretty much foods high in fiber like fruits and vegetables helps a lot, and it doesn't take much to make you full.
    drink a lot of green tea. it kills your appetite. it also tastes delicious. buy Arizona green tea, you get a lot without spending too much.
    Eating high fiber foods and exercising is a great way of controlling your appetite!

    Fiber keeps you feeling full for a long time. So does soup!
    Drink a glass of water before each meal, to help fill up your stomach.

    When is the last time you worried people about a situation you have no control over?

    I'm sorry guys!!! MWAH! *blows you a kiss*When is the last time you worried people about a situation you have no control over?
    i try not to do that cause i am usually the one doing the worringWhen is the last time you worried people about a situation you have no control over?
    *catches kiss*

    *blows one right back*

    No worries hun! Just glad you're here :-)
    Just last night actually, %26amp; the situation seems to be getting worse as we type...
    Today actually.

    Real life is the s*its at times, but I give it my best anyways.

    Kiss kiss darling...Lol
    I do that to my stupervisor at work.

    (No kisses. Wife gets jealous).
    I dont think I ever have, I tend to withdrawl when something is bothering me.
    kisses back at you , sweety

    no harm done hunni


    I try not to do that!

    How do i change something i have no control over?

    help.... plz.How do i change something i have no control over?
    You cannot!

    Just accept it %26amp; the you'll find inner peaceHow do i change something i have no control over?
    The question is vague and extremely philosophical. Obviously, you can't change something you have no control over, so you either need to accept the event, or if it's possible, alter events within your capability that lead up to whatever it is you wish to change. Interesting question to ponder ...

    Good luck to you.
    Not knowing the exact 'thing' that you are referring to makes it difficult to answer such question. But if somehow you have a certain degree of relatedness to that thing or situation, you can begin the change from yourself. Changing something in oneself is very good for ones well-being. And, if you play a role model as a good leader, as a good citizen, as a faithful worker/employer and the like, you are in fact holding a light for all to see. The light shines to all and its light penetrates the darkness. In this way, you can change something which is not in you control. All good wishes!
    At your place, I would go see the person who have a certain controol on the thing and try to convince him/her to help you change something or if you wanna help a person and he/she have the control, make him/her see what would happen if he/she don't change.

    I hope it will help you!
    you can't change what is not in your ability to change. If you have no control over it, then you can not control what happens. I wish we could control what is out of our control then maybe some of the bad things that happened in my life wouldn't of happened. but it was out of my control. and there fore it happened. unless you can see it coming before it hits. then maybe you can avoid it, but you can't control what is out of your power to control. duh!
    u can't
    You are right when you say have no control over changing that impossible see you answered yur own ? :)
    Build a time machine...Problem solved.
    You need to be more specific. But if you crave an answer then try this. Have people who care about you help you change. Also people who don't want help can't be helped.
    um I don't think you can change something that you don't have any control over because if you could then it would mean that you do have the ability to control that something that you claim that you have no control over so by saying that you have no control over it means it is unchangeable unless like what that other guy said about building a time machine...
  • makeup look
  • How do I turn on a JVC tv that has no power button or remote control? I hear tell that a way exists.?

    My old neighbor who just moved out left me the tv with a little note that says she could turn it on a certain way. I lost the note and i cant figure out how to do it. It seems like a classic riddle: How do I turn on a tv that has no remote, and no power button? It's plugged in though. Any ideas?How do I turn on a JVC tv that has no power button or remote control? I hear tell that a way exists.?
    if there are channel buttone push channel up, if not try puttin a pencil in the hole, and if worst comes to worst you can get an all in one remote for probably 5-10 bucks at walmartHow do I turn on a JVC tv that has no power button or remote control? I hear tell that a way exists.?
    It has to have had a power On/Off switch at some point. YOu need to find where that switch used to be..

    How come there are no massacres in the states with gun control?

    The three states (actually, jurisdictions) in the US with the strongest gun laws are California, New Jersey, and the District of Columbia. In recent memory, there have been no major massacres in any of those states. All the massacres seem to be in states with weak gun laws, such as Columbine High in Colorado, Virginia Tech in Virginia, and now Fort Hood in Texas.How come there are no massacres in the states with gun control?
    California is in ****! Its a lost state, they want our help!

    And it wasnt someone that went nuts b/c we dont have strict laws, he was upset and planned to do this b/c he was a wuss who didnt want to hurt his ';people'; in iraq. He had no balls to stand up for a country that gave him a medical degree, in a country where he borrowed freedom and stole lives.How come there are no massacres in the states with gun control?
    Don't go comparing apples to oranges.

    Fort Hood is not under the jurisdiction of civilian law, it is under the jurisdiction of military law.

    At the time of the massacres, both Columbine High School and Virginia Tech University had policies banning the possession of any and all firearms. These egregious violations of the Constitutional right to keep and bear arms rendered the students, faculty and staff unable to defend themselves against those who attacked them.

    Oh, and those DC gun control laws didn't seem to work very well. DC had the highest murder rate in the country for many years running, proving that criminals will obtain and use firearms without regard to the presence of gun control laws. Gun control laws only prohibit law-abiding citizens (those who are least likely to commit murder) from obtaining firearms. Therefore, we find that DC's high murder rate is because of gun control laws.

    By the way, politicizing the tragedy at Fort Hood less than 72 hours after it occurred shows how the hatred felt by the poster of this question toward firearms and those of us who use them responsibly exceeds the poster's ability to sympathize with the Fort Hod victims and their families.
    1) It is illegal to carry weapons on a military base unless you are liscensed.

    2) Schools, with the exeption of universities in Utah, are supposed to be gun free xones.

    those laws didn't help much did they?

    Lets take a look at your idea though.

    Did you know that Chicago and the District of Columbia have violent crime rates much higher then the national average for cities their size? It just doesn't get the press that high profile shootings get. In every state that has enacted right to carry laws violent crime has been reduced...fact.

    If you wnat to rely on the police and be a victim that is your choice, however don't expect everyone to be the same as you.
    Luck of the draw. What does gun control have to do with any of these massacres? Nothing. The way the shooters obtained their weapons can be done the same in California and Jersey. Your point is moot.

    For example, I live in pennsylvania... We have leniant gun laws, and lower end of gun crime... That is... without philadelphia. Philly is like a bubble of california in PA, and they have the highest crime rate in the state.
    States with high gun control measures have the highest

    amount of sex offenders.

    CA has high gun control measures and the largest amount of registered sex offenders

    at over 117,000 Why? They dont have to worry about a concealed weapon

    Ohio has strict gun laws yet a man can kill and rape as many women as he wants

    because he knows NONE of them have a concealed weapon.
    Really? Well how about taking an unarmed stroll through Watts in L.A. or West Covina after dark then ask me that question. And stroll through the streets of Jersey City, and the slums of D.C., or how about taking a short stroll in Detriot after dark sometime, genius. Just because you don't see it on the news like what happened at Ft. Hood and Orlando this week, doesn't mean it's wonderful and oh so safe in the places you cited. You'd get your azz robbed, raped, beaten, and or killed in every damned place you cited.
    You're right. I hope the federal government goes door to door, like the Gestapo, and confiscates everyone's guns, and kills those who refuse to surrender their weapons. Imagine how safe we'll all be then. I can't wait until Obama declares martial law and takes this necessary step. We will then live in a utopian society. What a glorious day that will be, comrades.
    I'm in favor of some amount of gun control, but have to comment that in Columbine, Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold acquired guns illegally. They were minors and not legally allowed to own guns, they bought the guns illegally.
    I support gun control. But realistically, we all know that correlation does not imply causation. The other side will come back with their own correlations, which, in their opinion, prove that their side is right.
    States with gun control have higher rates of gun crime.

    Nice try though. You liberals haven't trotted out this bit of propaganda in awhile.
    The crime rates are higher in states WITH gun control. Every statistic says that gun control leads to more crime. Are you serious?
    California?! ..south central LA anyone? and New Jersey? with the worst ghettos in our country? and someone here pointed out a DC sniper
    California?!? Seriously?!? Wow.:))
    I don't know about your question but it sure answered mine. I'm going call my mother and let her know it was not me all those years with spelling problems it was my Pencil.
    New York has lots of gun control. Mass shooting in Binghamton NY just this year I believe.

    Because your statement if false.
    yes, agree with that
    I suppose you forgot about the DC sniper, right? Get real
    From 4BC people knew the true purpose of a weapon

    A sword is never a killer, it's a tool in the killer's hands';

    Lucius Annaeus Seneca ';the younger'; 4 BC

    And they are ignorant that the purpose of the sword is to save every man from slavery.';

    Marcus Annaeus Lucanus Roman poet (A.D. 39)

    ';Tyranny derives from the oligarchy's mistrust of the people; hence they deprive them of arms, ill-treat the lower class, and keep them from residing in the capital. These are common to oligarchy and tyranny.';

    Aristotle in Politics

    ';Laws that forbid the carrying of arms...disarm only those who are neither inclined or determined to commit crimes. Such laws only make things worse for the assaulted and better for the assassins; they serve to encourage than to prevent homicides, for an unarmed man

    Thomas Jefferson:

    ';Arms in the hands of citizens may be used at individual discretion in private self defense.

    John Adams

    To disarm the people is the most effectual way to enslave them

    George Mason

    ';Firearms stand next in importance to the Constitution itself. They are the people's liberty teeth (and) keystone... the rifle and the pistol are equally indispensable... more than 99% of them [guns] by their silence indicate that they are in safe and sane hands. The very

    atmosphere of firearms everywhere restrains evil interference [crime]. When firearms go, all goes, we need them every hour.';

    George Washington

    Before a standing army can rule, the people must be disarmed, as they are in almost every country in Europe.';

    Noah Webster

    Americans have the right and advantage of being armed, unlike the people of other countries, whose people are afraid to trust them with arms.

    James Madison

    The people have a right to keep and bear arms

    Patrick Henry

    hat standing army can never be formidable (threatening) to the liberties

    of the people, while there is a large body of citizens, little if at all inferior to them in the use of arms

    Alexander Hamilton

    This year will go down in history. For the first time, a civilized nation has full gun Registration. Our streets will be safer, our police more efficient, and the world will follow our lead

    Adolf Hilter

    Playing DVDs on PS2 with no remote control?

    I can't get beyond the menu screen - how can I select play?Playing DVDs on PS2 with no remote control?
    There's no way you can without either a PS2 controller or a specific PS2 remote control.

    You can buy them seperately though, and third party (i.e. not made by Sony) ones should do the job fine, and not cost too much.Playing DVDs on PS2 with no remote control?
    Use the PS2 controller. Use the buttons to navigate.

    If you don't have the remote control or the controller, I don't think you can play the DVD. The PS2 only has 3 buttons. There's the ON/OFF button on the back, the standby button and the eject button in the front.
    As far as I know you need some kind of control device to interface with the PS2. There are no buttons on the console itself to get past the main menu. Perhaps if you put it in and hope for it to auto run. Past that I think your out of luck.
    pres x on controler

    Ok just installed myspace im to school computer and cant delete it, no way to access control panel need help?

    any one help or am i screwed?Ok just installed myspace im to school computer and cant delete it, no way to access control panel need help?
    Don't click the wrong thing be CARE FULL. Go to start butten, left click my computer, Left click C drive, look for Program Files and open it. Scroll down untill you find a file that says ';MySpace'; open it and you will see the IM folder, open it. Down at the bottem you will see ';Uninstall'; Click it and fallow what it says and it will remove it all for you... Becareful what you put on a schools computer, they dont have a good sence of humer. :-)Ok just installed myspace im to school computer and cant delete it, no way to access control panel need help?
    what do you mean you downloaded myspace... its a website how do you download it?

    Why do Daddy longlegs (or Crane Flies) fly with absolutely no control? What is their aim?

    Whoa, if I ever see a daddy longleg fly I'm getting out of there, fast!!!Why do Daddy longlegs (or Crane Flies) fly with absolutely no control? What is their aim?
    they are drunkWhy do Daddy longlegs (or Crane Flies) fly with absolutely no control? What is their aim?
    Daddy-long-legs and crane flies are two completely different animals. Daddy-long-legs do not fly. Crane flies do have control just not much reason to go anywhere specific.
    where im from daddy longlegs are spiders and they dont fly....

    Why do American parents have no or little control on their children?

    I think it is due in part because of guilt. Many parents turn their children over to other people for most of their waking hours. So when they are with their children they feel that they must buy them everything, give into their every whim. Another part is, you can't discipline your children in public without worrying about who is watching and if they're going to call child services on you because you give your child a smack on the bum when they misbehave. Speaking for myself, my children usually are only out of control (in public) when they don't get their way. They try to use it as a bargaining chip that usually fails them, hence the obnoxious behavior. :) Plus, from things that I have heard and read about, European culture is generally more family oriented.Why do American parents have no or little control on their children?
    I guess the reason that it appears that American parents have little or no control over their kids is because many parents have abdicated their role as being the ';traditional'; parent in favor or being the ';cool'; parent. Being a good parent means being a parent. Kids don't want or need a 40 year old buddy.

    Nowadays with so many households having an absent parent, it leaves the in house parent working twice as much to bring in an income and less time, energy, and inclination to do the important job: parenting. So they think if they appeal to their kids that they will earn loyalty and respect and good behavior.

    However, it ultimately gives the opposite effect: kids out of control because they don't have a parenting parent in the house.Why do American parents have no or little control on their children?
    I have plenty of control over my children. I have had them in line since day 1. I understand where you are coming from and your question, but I don't believe that this is just an American problem. Some parents just let their chilren run wild, and walk all over them. Unfortunately Americans have no shame when it comes to this, and actually go on television (sometimes in order to seek help).

    I have made it clear to my girls the rules and how things are going to be, and they fell into line. They see the consequences if they fall out of line, and they don't like it. They have things taken away, go to the corner, etc. if they are out of line. On the flip side, if they behave and stay in line, they are rewarded, and they like the rewards. Sometimes the rewards are small, like extra treats at the supermarket just because they asked nicely (unlike MOST kids nowadays!), and then there are the grander treats (we live in central FL, so we often go to the parks...which they ALWAYS enjoy!). We firmly believe that our girls are going to be fully functioning members of society, and are constantly getting complimented on how well behaved they are (not only by relatives), but by other parents, teachers, and daycare providers. It never grows old.
    I think thats a rash generalization.
    well, laziness is one answer...

    my perception though is fear of reprisal... kids nowadays know that they can threaten their parents with a call to child protective services and the child will be believed whatever the story.

    personally, I think a bit of discipline (ie spanking) could help alleviate this, put the power back in the parents' hands (no pun intended, and in no way do I justify abuse, spanking is more of a humiliation thing, well, as I'm referring to it)

    It's about balance, just like everything else, and we as Americans don't understand a 'happy medium' (well, at least as the media will portray it)... we take one extreme or another... Thanks George.. you're either with us or against us...
    You really can't lump all of America's parents in one big homogeneous group. I have been an American for all of my 48 years plus I have been a mom to 4 kids for 28 years (now ages 28, 25, 22, and 10). I also have provided child care in my home for 20 years. I run a pretty tight ship with my own kids plus the children who have been entrusted to my care. Expectations are set pretty high and I am a stickler for letting kids deal with the consequences of their actions. We live in a small, close-knit community in Michigan and the vast majority of the parents I know hold similar views when it comes to what is important while parenting. Most of the kids respect their teachers and the administration plus have pretty good manners (or at least are working on them). Of course, there are kids whose parents let them run wild, but by far they are in the minority and generally become well-known, but not in a good way. What criteria did you use to come to the conclusion that American parents specifically have no control over their children? Are you living in another country and base your judgements on television or other media? If so, that is a skewed view of the mainstream American family. My family and most of the families I know would never make the evening news nor does our lifestyle even remotely mimic any of the sitcom shows. Our lives are pretty boring stuff compared to that. Perhaps your observation is based on American families visiting your country. Again, not mainstream America where most of us can't afford to travel out of the country. If you live in America and base your judgements on the behavior of a few misbehaving kids at the mall or the grocery store, even the most strict parents have kids who act up now and then. Take a good look - there are plenty of parents out there doing a good job raising their kids. When was the last time you gave a ';good job'; or an encouraging smile to a parent dealing the right way with a misbehaving child? I do agree that there are some parents who have little to no control over their kids, but I don't think it's the majority nor do I think it's only America who has parents in need of some parenting classes, guidance, and encouragement. It's easy to judge, especially if you aren't a parent yourself.
    I agree with jamie but also think that since we aren't allowed to spank or yell things are a little out of control. I was spanked a lot as a kid and I grew up just fine!
    If you are that intent on throwing us under the bus, I'm afraid you're going to have to be much more specific in your attack. Your question is vague at best, and completely without merit.
    I would like to say that as an American parent, I feel I have very good control over my 21 month old.

    She listens very well for her age. Yes, she is defiant at times, but what child isn't, especially right around age 2?!?

    I don't think it's just an American thing, go to every part of the world and you will see some children that have more control over their parents and you will see parents that have control over their children. It's not just an American thing!
    you dont live in hartlepool uk where kids of 10 getting asbos because there parents dont know how 2 control them and there having sex as young as 12
    Many people believe that the laws say you aren't allowed to spank your children or yell at them because it is abusive. So when other techniques don't work (many times because parents aren't consistant), they loose control of their kids because they are afraid they will go to jail if the kids are ';disaplined';. YES, you are allowed to spank! But there is a very fine line between spanking and beating. If you yell at your kids several times a day, that's what they are used to and they just learn to ignore the parents. Spanking should be only a last resort and with your hands ONLY as well as only three swats. Unfortunatly, both parents are almost required to work to get by now adays. So when their kids are in their teens, no one is really around to keep watch over them and they just do as they please. If you ever wonder if what you are doing is wrong, just think.... ';if someone is video taping me right now, then show me later, would I be embarrased or ashamed to see myself?';
    I don't know about other parents but I have plenty of control over mine. You may not be able to spank or whoop your kids like we all got when we were kids.. But we do have lots of ways to control them. Computers, phones, game systems and friends. It amazing what a '; you do nothing for 2 weeks'; can get done. And stick behind what you say. A major issue is parents who threaten and never follow through. If a child learns that your aren't going to do what you threatened you were going to do, then they are taught, by you, that they can do whatever they want to, when they want to.
    i guess i can't speak for all Americans, but most of the families i know go through alot to teach their children right and wrong, and to guide them through life.. I suppose that is ';control';

    but i'm a country girl, born and raised on a farm, maybe it is different in the big cities..
    I'm pretty sure that goes for any parent, it has nothing to do with background.
    because they cant say no to their kids
  • makeup look
  • Since moderate muslims have no control on their radicals?

    Should pull out completely?

    1. No more military aide.

    2. No more humanitarian aide.

    3. No immigration allowed into the United States by anyone from an islamic country.

    4. No beekeeper outfits allowed on drivers licenses in our country.

    Lets stop this **** now while we still have a chance. This isn't Londonistan.Since moderate muslims have no control on their radicals?

    Have you ever thought of something so much even though you had no control over it?

    Have you ever thought of something so much even though you had no control over it? I do this all the time. I wanted to know if you did this as well. If you do, what is it and why?Have you ever thought of something so much even though you had no control over it?
    It's called love. I think about the guy I'm in love with all the time, and everything reminds me of him. I think it probably happens because you're keeping your thoughts inside- like the guy I love- I can't tell him because he's my best friend, so I have to bottle it up inside. Your subconcious is something that cannot be controlled, but if you bring those thoughts to your concious mind and think them through, then they should go away.Have you ever thought of something so much even though you had no control over it?
    well, other then the OCD thing....there are such things called ';Racing Thoughts'; I found that for me it usually originated from either worry, or things that i actually have no control over.

    People who are either showing signs of depression or anxiety, or who are recovering from things like addiction or alcoholism, tend to have these quite a bit. There is a slogan i learned awhile back...Keep your hands busy and your mind will follow. Symptoms such as these usually stem from worry, which stems from fear. Once you accept that you are doing everything you can at this very moment, and no amount of worrying is going to change the outcome, perhaps it will get better for you.

    You can always ask the divine to take it away....Just a thought.

    Hope this helps

    Blessed Be
    I'm a cultivation. In my cultivatiom, we understand it as 'thought karma'. Its actually some kind of interference that humans have little control of.

    You you want to know more, i suggest you read Zhuan Falun (Turning The Law Wheel). You can read online or download it at:


    Look at the content page for the chapter on thought karma. But i suggest you read from the 1st chapter to have solid understanding before you progress.

    Good luck!
    I get thoughts ';stuck'; in my head alot. mostly worries. things I think might happen, or things I'm afrid of,but sometimes its just random stuff, like I have to find out all there is to know about David Bowie, or I have to go out and buy a gold fish RIGHT now or I have to mave sure the stove is off, or look for my glasses at 3am just to make sure I know where they are cause I can't sleep with that thought nagging at me. A huge thing with me is making sure all my pets are safe in their cages. I have to touch the cage doors. Right now I keep answering questions on this site even though It's 1:55 am. I have Obsessive Compulsive Disorder.
    I do that as well. I often continue to think of situations I've been in, or am currently in with other people, and I can't do anything to change it, but I'll go over it again and again in my mind. I find that I only make things worse when I do that, because I end up thinking of every possible way the situation could have been better if things had been done or said differently.

    I think we do it because we know that things potentially could be better, but we're human. We don't always do what we believe is good. We don't always properly express how we feel. We mess up so many things all the time. We're all just learning as we go along.

    Two things I try to do (and sometimes fail miserably at):

    1) Be confident without faking it. Be yourself and be happy with who you are. This helps us avoid the regret of doing and saying stupid things as a result of feeling awkward or in some way obligated.

    2) Remember that while you may not have control of the situation, you have some level of control over your thoughts. You can keep busy with things that make you happy, or you can try some kind of meditation. If I'm really stressed about something that I can't control, I just tell myself that I don't have the energy to be bothered by it, then I put on something that will make me laugh. Stand up comedy can be a really good option... but then some of them are just really annoying and you feel sorry for the audience because they must feel obligated to laugh if it's a big famous annoying comedian in front of them... but then I suppose if they're in the audience to see a famous comedian, they probably think the comedian is funny. Wow! It's very late. Yeah, I actually recommend meditation before comedy... Comedy's just too unreliable of a method for clearing your head.

    btw, if you're not familiar with meditation.... a common misconception is that the point of meditation is to empty your mind (actually, that's what coke does after awhile)... meditation (not that I know of every type of meditation) is more like observing reality without worry. You let thoughts come and go, but consciously make an effort not to worry or try to figure anything out. Just be where you are. Meditation is very difficult to explain, but if you haven't tried it, I highly recommend it.

    Ok, also if you believe in God, something that I think has really helped me at times is the serenity prayer. It's really well known so I feel like it's cheesy, but I like it!

    ';God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and wisdom to know the difference.';
    I do this too. There are many things that my mind divulges just for having seen something like an advertisement on a sign or TV. We are stimulated all day and night and not all of it is asked for and wanted. The mind is like that in that it is a problem solving motor that will not stop until it has reached some objective relationship with whatever phenomenon that has meaning for it. Just sit by and enjoy it go by if you want. If you respond by joining it and then by becoming involved trying to think it out with your mind you will become tired and old and obsessed to the point of making others around you go through it too and in the end probably be alone. Look at it from another point of view as your deep helper and realize it is doing good work for you and be there to enjoy the rewards of a patient person who knows how to understand and make good the solutions your mind has for you.
    Yes, when I was suffering from panic attacks.

    Since republicans hate control so much would a goverment that has no control over it's population be better?

    Actually, they hate control over themselves and their parasitic relationship with the rest of us, but they have always been in favor of controlling everyone else. Otherwise, they wouldn't support outlawing abortion.

    Libertarians are the REAL party of less control over everyone.Since republicans hate control so much would a goverment that has no control over it's population be better?
    Republicans do not hate control. They hate total control by the government. Republicans want more freedom for the citizens. Some control is necessary, but not to the point where citizens cannot have their natural rights/ civil liberties. You should do some more research on the Republican party platform before you make such statements.

    So you are asking, would someone rather live in a chaotic world of anarchy, OR live under a harsh dictator and have no say in anything.

    I don't know about you, but I would rather have a choice, and freedom. And just for the record, I am not a Republican. I am independent.Since republicans hate control so much would a goverment that has no control over it's population be better?
    I voted mistakenly for Obama.He does want total control!It's not right,example Obamacare; American taxpayers (not the Illegals) have to fund Abortion, ';sex-change'; surgeries;any service deemed medically necessary or medically appropriate. It now appears that the plan's ';medically appropriate'; umbrella is far more expansive than most Americans could have imagined.Not to mention he and Sotomayor would love to disarm Americans,Hitler was an expert at control and thought the same way.
    We hate Manipulation,dictators and tyranny control !

    *';We are grateful to the Washington Post, the New York

    Times, Time Magazine, and other great publications

    whose directors have attended our meetings and

    respected their promises of discretion for almost

    forty years. It would have been impossible for us to

    develop our plan for the world if we had been subject

    to the bright lights of publicity(Truth) during these years.

    But the world is now more sophisticated(Socialist Indoctrination) and

    prepared to march towards a world government...';

    David Rockefeller, illustrating the power elite lite choke hold on the mass media,

    while addressing the attendees of the Bilderberg meeting, in Sand, Germany on

    June 5, 1991, concerning the media's role in promoting globalist objectives

    ';We are on the verge of a global transformation.All we need is the right major crisis and the nations will accept the New World Order.'; David Rockefeller

    “We must war against all prevailing ideas of religion, of the state, of country, of patriotism. The idea of God is the keynote of a perverted civilization. It must be destroyed.” - Karl Marx, 1848


    Without Congressional approval, the President now has the power to transfer whole populations to any part of the country, the power to suspend the Press and to force a national registration of all persons. The President, in essence, has dictatorial powers never provided to him under the Constitution. The President has the power to suspend the Constitution and the Bill of Rights in a real or perceived emergency. Unlike Lincoln and Roosevelt, these powers are not derived from a wartime need, but from any crisis, domestic or foreign, hostile or economic. Roosevelt created extraordinary measures during the Great Depression, but any President faced with a similar, or lesser, economic crisis now has extraordinary powers to assume dictatorial status. From the Clinton Presidential Executive Order web page.

    Notice above where it says hostile or ECONOMIC.And in REAL or in a PERCEIVED emergency.

    Perhaps this is a reason that Obama took control of the Census program right away after being sworn into office?

    ';We the People are the rightful masters of both Congress and the Courts--not to overthrow the Constitution, but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution.';

    Abraham Lincoln
    Yes, the Republicans love people like Bernie Madoff

    (for those Repubs who don't know who that is, he's the guy who defrauded thousansd out of BILIONS over decades, due to lack of restrictions in the financial markets, thanks to Republicans like McCain and Bush)

    Repubs love lack of control, so their FEW billionaires can make a LOT more $$$.

    The funny part is most of the people that support the GOP do not really benefit from it 8-)
    A Federal government? Yes.

    State governments were intended to be the primary source of law %26amp; stability. The federal government was created to maintain a military, and to prevent the states from fighting each other.
    Its not all or nothing like you would like to believe, like everything else in life moderation is the key.

    How do i open control panel when i have no desktop icons or start menu?

    like how do i open it just using window's task manager? also, how do i get my start menu back? thanks!How do i open control panel when i have no desktop icons or start menu?
    press ctrl-alt-del to open the dialog box. Select task manager

    Select file-%26gt;New task(run)

    type explorer and hit ok

    That should bring up the start menu back.

    You can also hit win-key+R for the run dialog or win-key+E for running explorer. You can get to the control panel from the explorer.How do i open control panel when i have no desktop icons or start menu?
    press ctrl+alt+del

    then new task

    type in ';control panel';

    hit enter.


    Is there a birth control pills that offers no periods?

    I already know that come birth control pills offer more regular periods and some offer a reduced number of periods, but I'm looking for one that offer NO periods.Is there a birth control pills that offers no periods?
    Yeah, it's called Lybrel.

    Go here: http://www.webmd.com/sex/birth-control/n鈥?/a>Is there a birth control pills that offers no periods?
    i cant remember what one it is but i saw one one tv last night that i think you only get 3 or 4 periods a yr.. never heard of one that doesnt give you one at all.. i would go to google and maybe type in birth control pill with no periods and see what pops up..
    there isn't one that offers no periods.. but there is one that offers one period a year..I don't remember the name, but your doctor will know what it is.

    Is it bad to have no period on a birth control?

    While taking a birth control (such as the pill or the shot), is it bad to not have a period, even though the BC says its normal?Is it bad to have no period on a birth control?
    iv been on the implant-implanon. While having the implant i havnot had a period yet friends of mine who are on the pill and implanon have different degrees of bleeding. This isnt considered a period if ur on birth control however, it is considered bleeding (which like ur period) is totally normal. so really- it varies from person to person.Is it bad to have no period on a birth control?
    Not usually, no. It's a side affect that you may skip a period here or there but it's nothing to be concerned about. Even gynecologists and surgeons can't come to an agreement on what the period is really for since millions of women have such irregular periods that they skip them on a regular basis so you wouldn't even be impairing your health if you fail to menstruate from time to time.
    its not bad, it's fine. women don't NEED to have a period. if you don't ovulate, which is what happens when you're on BC, then a period isn't necessary.
    I just studied this, and there is no medical reason why a women should get a period every month
  • makeup look
  • Are situations connected with feelings so much tht we have no control over bad things happening?

    Right now I feel as tho something can go wrong any minute. it's this thought about my friend. That i could loose his friendship. he's also actually my ex and he wants to be back with me as relationship.

    See usually something bad happens simply when i have a bad feeling about it. Why am i a bit scared?Are situations connected with feelings so much tht we have no control over bad things happening?
    Have you ever heard of people who believe they are sick just because they hear about symptoms of a sickness. then out of nowhere they swear they are having those symptoms and they convince themselves that they have whatever disease is associated with that disease. I think they are called Hypochondriacs. Well I believe that your feelings do tend to determine your situation. If you keep having negative thoughts then all you will experience are bad situations. Try to think more positively and have a more joyful outlook and perhaps your situation will turn out a good one.Are situations connected with feelings so much tht we have no control over bad things happening?
    hi, i dnt blame u to be scared...hv u heard this? 'once bitten twice shy'..probably thts the case nw...jst stop where u r n think wht do u want...do u want to get back with him?..will u b able to breathe with him around?...n if not then pls forget friendship also...i knw its very easy for me to suggest this %26amp; very tough for u to do so...but if u feel u cannot get back with him stop talking to him all together... it'll be very tough but help both of you...rather things be a lil tough for u for some time than for all ur life...
    Because you're totally physic. Just kidding. It could just be that you're nervous because of your previous relationship. Maybe you should talk to him about it.
    You don't have to get back together with your ex if you don't have those kind of feelings about him. If he respects you, then he would be okay with you and him just being friends.


    At what age in south Korea, are you no longer under parental control?

    If I was a citizen of South Korea, at what age would I no longer be considered a minor, and my parents have 0 control over my actions?At what age in south Korea, are you no longer under parental control?
    when u are 18 your legal adultAt what age in south Korea, are you no longer under parental control?
    One you are 18 I think, but if they pay for your education and you stay with them (they support you financially) you are under their control until it ends.



    If Rock Lee has no Chakra Control abilities or anything...then how is he able to walk on water and stuff?

    Me and my friend who watch Shippuden together noticed that in the Yuukimaru episodes, Rock Lee was walking on water...how?! I thought he wasn't able to do this sort of thing....If Rock Lee has no Chakra Control abilities or anything...then how is he able to walk on water and stuff?
    Rock Lee isn't able to do ninjutsu, but the fact that he can do such great taijutsu techniques, proves in itself that he can control his chakra.

    He learned how to manage chakra and stuff, but he isn't able to do ninjutsu, that's all.If Rock Lee has no Chakra Control abilities or anything...then how is he able to walk on water and stuff?
    The Yukimaru episodes, as it happens, are what is known as ';filler';, meaning, it's not a part of the story as it was in the manga. This is done because the anime is being made much faster than the manga, and as a result, they make these ';filler'; arcs instead of just stopping, because it's a very profitable series.

    Unfortunately, the upshot of this is that the fillers are considered lower quality than the main story. This leads to things like Lee walking on water. And that's terrible.

    Alternatively, in the years since he's become a ninja, he may have mastered basic stuff like walking on water, walking up trees, etc. Also, it may be possible that he has chakra, he just can't use it too well.
    Dude! I said the same thing, Lee was getting his chakra drained or something and that's when I thought this same thing. But if you look when he opens the gates, he has chakra corsing through him.

    Lee uses, chakra, in his Taijutsu, but nothing like Sakura or Tsunade. So when Sasuke fought him he did not see his movements because his Saringan must, be fully developed before he is able to see jutsu like Taijutsu: http://www.leafninja.com/uchiha.php
    he can control his chakra, he just can't use ninjitsu or the other (mind control) kind.

    I couldn't remember the mame.

    or he runs so fast he doesn't sink.
    i think that its not that he CANT control his chakra its just that he cant do any jutsu....but u have a good point there

    What birth control PILLS make you have no period at all?

    I am 14 years old and want birth control PILLS only. What are some that make you have no period?What birth control PILLS make you have no period at all?
    They all do. You just take the active pills and throw the inactive ones away. You have a pack with 21 pink and 7 green pills. Just take the pink and throw away the green. Open the next pack and immediately start taking the pink. You have to take the pink ones every day if you don't want any bleeding.

    TX MomWhat birth control PILLS make you have no period at all?
    any BC pill that you take without taking any placebo pills will stop your period
    if i were u i wouldnt mess with my system.

    My windows xp has no volume control program?

    I went to all programs %26gt; accessories %26gt; entertainment %26gt; and volume control wasn't there. Its not on my computer AT ALL. When I try to raise the volume nothing happens, there is no volume. When I try to use programs such as Movie Maker it doesnt let me beacuse it says there is no audio device installed. I went to control panel %26gt; sounds and audio devices, and there is no audio device, playback device etc. This is really pissing me off because I have no idea how to fix it. What do I do?My windows xp has no volume control program?
    you need to get your drivers disk and install the audio controllerMy windows xp has no volume control program?
    That is seriously unusual. Do you have a sound card installed in the computer ( a sound system on a small circuit board)? All computers that I have seen or worked on already have some sort of sound devise. However, if yours doesn't, there is the problem. If you do have one installed, I wonder if it has died? If you don't really know, have a professional (or some computer whiz friend of yours) check on this. BTW, do try some of the other suggestions posted here. I am very certain that they have seen this problem more than once. Good luck.
    get your motherboard CD then install the sound driver...
    Go to run and try this ';%SystemRoot%\system32\sndvol32.exe'; but it sounds more like that your sound driver isnt installed, check device manager and then your drivers cd surplied with the computer.

    Note: To get to device manager Click

    Start/Control Panel/Peformance and Maintance/System/Hardware/Device Manager

    What is a type of birth control that lightens periods with no breast cancer risk?

    I have horribly aweful heavy periods so I want something to lighten it up,

    I also have a very high risk of breast cancer both grandmas and my mom had it

    so any type of birth control out there for me?What is a type of birth control that lightens periods with no breast cancer risk?
    You can counter-act your high risk of breast cancer by increasing your intake of antioxidants, because antioxidants do help prevent cancers to some degree. As far as birth control, you should opt for a low-dose because it is less damaging to your body.What is a type of birth control that lightens periods with no breast cancer risk?
    There is no method of chemical birth control that is in any way safe.

    Common Side Effects for Combination Contraceptives:

    Weight gain

    Increase or decrease in acne

    Nausea and vomiting




    Vaginal infections

    High blood pressure

    Loss of libido

    Less Common Serious Health Complications:

    Blood clots in legs, lungs, heart or brain


    Liver tumors

    Heart attacks



    Cervical cancer

    Common Side Effects for Progestin Only Contraceptives:

    Spotting and irregular vaginal bleeding

    Longer periods

    Amenorrhea for extend periods


    Anxiety and nervousness

    Pain in lower abdominals


    Loss of libido


    Increase or decrease in acne

    Skin rash or darkened patches of skin

    Appetite changes

    Weight gain

    Tender breasts

    Increase or decrease in facial and body hair

    Hair loss

    Vaginal discharge

    Bone density loss

    Enlarged ovarian follicles

    Pain or itching

    Norplant users: infection at the site of implantation

    Less Common Serious Health Complications:

    Ectopic pregnancy

    Certain cancers

    ...Just to name a few.

    If you think it's worth your health, spin the wheel.

    Otherwise take your chances with a condom.
    well, birth control pills are very bad for your body and hormones. Even though it lightens periods i think you shouldn't.

    I take One a Day womens vitamins, it shortens your period without causing your body harm

    All birth control pills increase rick of breast cancer.

    answer mine? http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;鈥?/a>
    I use the IUD my periods were so horrible now I hardly ever get one at all and feel great!
  • makeup look
  • How can i delete photo on my start page,tried control panel, no good.?

    i downloaded what i thought was some info. i got photog.on start page

    now of someone in article how can i get rid of it?How can i delete photo on my start page,tried control panel, no good.?

    go to programs -%26gt;startup you will c the info about the photo which you c at start right click on it press delete and restart the system you will get the normal screen at start..thanksHow can i delete photo on my start page,tried control panel, no good.?
    You need to be more specific. Do you mean your desktop? Start page is usually web based. Please edit or add details...like windows xp? 98, etc.

    Solution to out of control no go areas?

    Two freinds of mine( who are ex paratroopers) reckon that the solution to some of the areas terrorisng cities and towns in the UK could do well with these guys starting private security heavy gang to be dispelled at known trouble spots and show them what real fear is,the guys seved in Bosnia and one was in northern Ireland,is this a good idea if we each paid for protection what the police appear not to be doing?????Solution to out of control no go areas?
    Increase Army recruitment, and deploy small numbers of troops in the areas.

    Or, improve police powers/reduce paperwork and deploy more vigilant policing policies.Solution to out of control no go areas?
    I was walking around my neighbourhood last night. No stabbings, no car jackings, no thefts, no murders.

    And there were two police officers walking around too.

    Yes, it was safe to walk around. I think you are over hyping a few news stories.
    That is just a start to gang warefare, similar to how Bosnia and NI conflicts started.

    No Go Areas are generally caused by some gang or another, perhaps bringing back National Service would help.
    Ah the old government sponsored vigilante justice argument.

    Ask them how the government sponsored vigilantes are getting on in Zimbabwe.

    xx VP

    If there was no birth control pill how much would the us population be?

    wow we would need to extend the us to make more states lol tht would be alot more pplIf there was no birth control pill how much would the us population be?
    It would either be much higher, or the amount of men in anger management would be out of control.......LOL!!!If there was no birth control pill how much would the us population be?
    There might not be more people, just fewer people having sex.

    Besides, considering the way all the teens screw up taking their birth control, there may as well be none. I think I will scream if I see one more question that starts, I'm on birth control, but I didn't take it for a week and had unprotected sex. Could I be prego?
    I'd hate to say it, but the abortion rate would be whats even higher

    I was playing around with my Volume Control settings now no sound?

    I was playing around with my Volume Control settings

    after i went to options then properties and now i cant

    hear anything from my speakers. IM SURE they work so can

    someone just tell me the default settingsI was playing around with my Volume Control settings now no sound?
    did you unclick mute on all channels? are all the channels volume turned up?

    maybe you disabled ur sound device. go to control panel and open system device.. or hardware device. then find the sound adapter thing and enable it?

    or do you have a sound card installed? maybe ur sound cards driver messed up and you gotta resintall it?

    I was playing around with my Volume Control settings now no sound?

    can someone answer my question please its killing me

    I was playing around with my Volume Control settings now no sound?

    I was playing around with my Volume Control settings

    after i went to options then properties and now i cant

    hear anything from my speakers. IM SURE they work so can

    someone just tell me the default settingsI was playing around with my Volume Control settings now no sound?
    did you unclick mute on all channels? are all the channels volume turned up?

    maybe you disabled ur sound device. go to control panel and open system device.. or hardware device. then find the sound adapter thing and enable it?

    or do you have a sound card installed? maybe ur sound cards driver messed up and you gotta resintall it?

    I was playing around with my Volume Control settings now no sound?

    can someone answer my question please its killing me

    No Period after stopping birth control pill?

    I was on Ortho Tri-Cyclen for about 3 years or so and i stopped taking it.

    Is it possible that i'm going to skip a few periods?

    Is my period going to be very irregular again like it was before i took birth control?No Period after stopping birth control pill?
    I stopped taking ortho in April this year and my period has been irregualr ever sense. I haven't skipped any periods, they just returned to being irregular after I discontinued use. If you miss any cycles you should consult your gyn.No Period after stopping birth control pill?
    If you were irregular before you went on the pill, there is a 98% chance you'll be irregular when you go off of it. It depends on why you went on it. If you have PCOS, your periods will never be regular.

    For some women who don't have hormonal disorders, their periods return to normal after being ';trained'; on the pill.
    If you were irregular before you started the pill then it is highly likely you will be irregular again once you are off it. The pill doesn't magically fix things, it just overrides them while you take the pill.
    That should not happen normally. You should get a cycle after you stop taking it.

    The last week of your pills is a placebo pill anyway, so stopping taking them and taking the placebo pill is the same thing.

    However, if you had amenorrhea (not having a period) before taking the pill 3 years ago, then it is possible that it will come back. Taking the pill regulates many women's cycle so they will have a regular period.
  • makeup look
  • Does my mom have no responsibility or control over me since I'm 18 years old?

    My mom is constantly kicking me out of the house and locking me out...she tells me she will call the police if i come back and tells me I need to find a new place to stay every time she gets mad at me. She goes through bi polar mood swings and is extremely irrational and impulsive. I have no where to go and was wondering if it is still considered child neglect in ohio if your parent kicks you out when you are 18 years old. Does she have any responsibility regarding my safety and well being if i'm considered an adult?Does my mom have no responsibility or control over me since I'm 18 years old?
    No Your an adult now and its your mothers house if she wants she can kick you out and not get into trouble for it. If your breaking all her rules then i don't feel bad for you at all because as an adult you should know that when your in someone Else's house it goes by what they say. You come home at the hour they tell you to. I have a feeling you don't understand that seeing as how you think your mother should still be taking care of you even though your 18. But if im wrong then maybe you just need to get a job and try to get out on your own because she doesn't seem to want you there anymore.Does my mom have no responsibility or control over me since I'm 18 years old?
    No she is not responsible for you. Why aren't you able to take care of yourself? Maybe you are just costing her money and I would get mad at that to. Get a job and pay her rent, or get out. Nobody likes a freeloader. She doesn't have to provide you room and board, and food.
    I don't know the laws in Ohio, But it seems at 18 you are legally an adult any where. Why don't you just move out? You have to face the real world sooner or later.
    She can kick you out and it's not child neglect or abandonment because you're not a child anymore.
    Welcome to the Wonderful World of Adulthood!!!

    Is it just me or do you men feel like you have no control in relationship. Why are women selfish and dominant?

    Sorry I am not a man and this appears to be addressed to men. Perhaps you are attracted to women who are bad for you. Are you more interested in the dominatrix type, even subconciously? You are also right that some women are selfish-but so are some men; but again perhaps you try to be too nice and they ride roughshod over your goodness! Certainly you seem to have had a rough time, but please do not write us all off yet-I promise we are not all like that. Take your time to find the right woman, happy hunting.Is it just me or do you men feel like you have no control in relationship. Why are women selfish and dominant?
    It's not just you it's the women you are choosing too but in a world/countries where they have legally become first class citizens while men bear more responsibilities yet have to ride coach it is becoming a truism.

    Legally women own their children now

    Legally women have retained most of the privileges they were once afforded in lieu of 'the right to work' etc, while usurping those rights from men.

    Why, because they can, many men used to take advantage of the system when it was skewed towards men's rights. Circumstances change, countries that still favour men or have equal rights and privileges for both sexes are in the ascendancy now.Is it just me or do you men feel like you have no control in relationship. Why are women selfish and dominant?
    Women are not selfish guys are you need to stop sterotyping girls. Some girls aren't like that and to all you jerks who think that thats why you can't have a relatioship and really need to grow up and realize that girls are not just some play toy that you can boss around all day and expect them to do anything you ask but we are human to and expect to be treated with some respect! So back up and buddy and grow up!
    haha....the only reason women are like that is bc we want what we want. we're not gunna pussy around and wait till a man figures out what we want...and there are times we want you to be dominant just look for the sign. if you dont get her first couple hints you've lost your chance. selfish def not. maybe the one your with but most would rather take care of you, give to you instead of take for ourselves. thats a real woman.
    When you're in a relationship that you truly enjoy being in, you will know. Not all women are like that! lol Apparently it's only the ones that you are choosing.

    You don't have to deal with that stuff. Men should feel in charge, because they usually are!
    bc the men let us be its as simple as that men let us take control so we do someone has to have control maybe not total control but someone has to have some control hell i think its hot when a guy takes control but like i said if a man lets a woman take control they will not pass up the chance
    I'm one of the women you're speaking of. However, I'd NEVER date a doormat man. I'd never date an arrogant, controlling man either. I'd only date a man who meshes in perfectly with me and I don't clash with.
    I'm in a long term relationship, and it's the other way round. Although my partner is controlling, and decides what we do when, i dont mind, i hate being in control. maybe you've just come across the wrong women, lol.
    I think it might be just you, yes there are women like that, so stop dating them, most women i know arn't selfish or dominant, you need give and take from both sides in a relationship for it to work.

    Good Luck
    well because sometimes guys dont give a damn.

    sometimes we girls are forced to so the relationship can survive.

    but it doesnt really work, it takes 2 to make a relationship
    maybe it's the women u are choosing to date. besides, you teach people how to treat you. maybe you should stand up for yourself.
    I think its just you ... I feel like I am always powerless in relationships. But its because I'm choosing jerks over and over. Take a look at the choices you are making, my friend.
    Uhhh..stop stereotyping. Suuure woman are dominant, but not selfish. Maybe the guy just needs to STEP IT UP and take control.
    either cause they are use to having guys that want dominant women or they been hurt and putting there foot down

    or ur just too sweet of a guys that women take advantage of :)
    As a women in that type relationship ..it is not gender specific.. you need to find some one else..and I need to get out too. It's not right either way,
    this is the nature of women , and men have to deal with it , and shouldd know how to work with women
    because they don't want to be dominated by men
    its kind of difficult finding the balance. when dealing with relationships
    Not all women are! I'm waiting for a man who is strong and decisive...I don't want to be in charge, lol.
    Because without women men would just sit on there *** all day ! x

    Why have I got no control over MY PC?

    My PC has a mind of it's own. Either that or someone is deliberately piss**ng me off. I've recently switched ISP from BT to Pipex. Pipex is terrible and drops connection every 20 mins. I've un-installed Norton totally and turned off Windows firewall. I still have timeout errors when trying to connect to Novaworld to play joint operations PC game. Battle for Middle Earth doesn't work either.

    My PC also turned itself off completely yesterday twice! I am running Windows Media Centre Edition 2005. 3.4 Ghz processor. 1 Gb RAM. I run Lavasoft Adaware %26amp; Spybot almost everyday.

    Should I just format the disk and do a full reinstall?Why have I got no control over MY PC?
    Well, if you don't mind a re-install then it will probably be the fastest thing to bring your computer back to a good state. You should also run a firewall of some sort (Windows firewall is ok, but not that great. I'd try ZoneAlarm - it's free).

    Otherwise, I'd run reinstall an Anti Virus program and get it updated. Install a firewall. Run the AV Scan. Possibly download WhatsRunning (from http://whatsrunning.net). It will show you all the programs that are running on your computer, plus has an online lookup for programs you don't recognize (that way you can see if there's something running that shouldn't be).Why have I got no control over MY PC?
    I think you got a virus. Uninstall Norton and turn off the firewall was a bad decision. If you don't like Norton try avast (avast.com) and Zone Alarm Firewall, there are free. Then make a full scan.

    On the archos 605 to control tv proggraming the is no way to control freesat any help?


    You might need to look on the Internet. If you have already, have you tried using different search engines? (i.e. Yahoo, Google etc.) I find that I get different results each time, and in your case, you might find the answer there.

    Good luck!

    In a debate with no moderator would Obama lose control of his temper?

    We know Hillary can push his buttons.In a debate with no moderator would Obama lose control of his temper?
    Of course. He has no spine and cannot handle the heatIn a debate with no moderator would Obama lose control of his temper?
    First of all ';typical black men'; don't just go around slapping women.Someone has watched too much television.Second, Obama is not stupid.He would never have gotten this far if he was.If he has survive Hillary's stupid premenstral attacks so far, what makes you think he would back down?He is a laywer.He likes a good fight.Hillary has turned out to be a big disappointment to me.I thought that she had a little more class than she has shown in these past few months.All that she has shown me is that she can get angry and throw mud.That kind of behavior is one of the reasons that women are considered the weaker sex.I'd much rather have Obama handling a nuclear crisis with a cool head than Hillary acting all emotional as soon as someone says something to put her on the spot.She could get us all blown to pieces.
    No, as in the last debate, the man is dumbfounded without a teleprompter. Hillary will be wiping the floor with him as he trys to get out a sentence. If he never know's what hits him, how can be angry about it?
    He might try but he would get tore up from the floor up by Hillary. Also remember that she is protected by the secret service so THEY might take him down if the ';typical black man'; started coming out and he tried to slap that white hoe.
    Yes, debates are his worse forum.

    But the Zobambies would ignore it, even if he lost.


    You'll near they're near when you start to get that tingle go up your leg.

    ps How many pieces of silver Gov. Richardson?
    Hillary's a woman, and yes, she knows how to push buttons. It's a woman thing. He would probably just cry out for his wife to come and tell Hillary to be quiet!
    Barry knows that without a script prepared for a specific set of questions, Hillary would own him.
    Obama is stupid, he doesn't not what he is doing, but some how he is leading. I hope people get smart and realize he is not the best candidate to beat McCain
    He would give everyone the bird, just like he did the audience two weeks ago (or was that meant for Hillary?)
    he'd lose control of his bladder...he's scared to death of hillary
    He might lose control of his bowels.
    no its just there is nothing to gain. He has the nomination locked.
    It's not going to happen.
    Try not to judge him by your own standards. You simply show why he is an ideal candidate.

    All the silly name calling and claims of racism show how desperate the GOP are to get Clinton as their opponent.
    No, but Hillary would lose her mind. Perhaps we can ask her if she killed Vince Foster? or why she had the travel office employees fired?
    I think Obama has shown a lot of restraint in response to the most idiotic of attacks. Maybe too much so.
  • makeup look
  • What make of tv as wind up remote control no visable make on set.?

    Never even heard of that. good luck

    Are there any guys that have hit there girlfriends' for something they had no control over?

    They always have control over weather hit her or not. If he hits you, get out of the relationship! Are there any guys that have hit there girlfriends' for something they had no control over?
    a lot of them, they're called abusers, and such people belong in jail. and they do have control over it, they poorly exert their rage and anger. Only time you cant control your body is if you have spasms, such as hiccups, sneezing, seizures, etc. So really , the reason scumbags like that end up single and hated or rotting in jail is because they had control over hitting they're girlfriends, wives, etc. Are there any guys that have hit there girlfriends' for something they had no control over?
    The guy is a coward! No matter what someone does, they never deserved to be hit, guy or girl. It's illegal and immoral! If this is happening to you, stop it now. Get out of the relationship, he may say sorry, he might even really be sorry, but it will happen again if you let him get away with it. And each time it will get easier and easier for him to do it without feeling guilty. It will also get easier for you to accept it, which isn't good!
    Yes, Once. She was the worst mistake ever. Glad i did it. Had a big marijuana, meth, and alcohol problems. She started to freak out and she was going crazy, and i hit her in the arm. shes tried to contact me but i wont respond. she has been in prision several times now.
    I don't have a girlfriend but I know I would never hit my sister or my mum (no matter what situation occurs). As someone wrote that is what you call domestic abuse and apart from the moral issues, the guy could be (should be) jailed for it
    if any loser of a guy hits you, you hit them back and run..... and make sure you never talk to them again... get a restraining order if you have to but don't let guys walk all over you
    Sweetie if this is you or one of your friends your talking about, please get out of the relationship if it continues on as such! i've had friends in abusic relationships and...ya not good...
    Yes, because domestic abuse is immaturity at it's worst.
    Anyone that says YES to this question should be reported to the police and charged with assault!
    Thats sick and twisted only trough cowards would stoop so low to hit a woman. If this is your situation pleas get out of it and contact a help line. for your own personal safety
    I'd only hit a woman if she was trying to kill me.
    Yes. They have an anger issue. I think they all need help before the girl takes him down.
    such activity is abuse, the guy should be arrested for assault.
    Real men do not hit their girlfriends...period.
    no... the only time i hit my girlfriend is when we are both playing around.. i would never hit a woman out of anger...
    that IS sick and the girl should report it to the police.
    I've never hit a woman.
    I don't care what she did, I would never hit her.
    I've never hit a girl at all.
    oh yea. its common : ) plus women should do as there told
    Yeah, my ex. He's a scumbag loser who lives with his mom now.

    What make of tv as wind up remote control no visable make on set.?

    Never even heard of that. good luck

    Saturday, August 21, 2010

    Are there any guys that have hit there girlfriends' for something they had no control over?

    They always have control over weather hit her or not. If he hits you, get out of the relationship! Are there any guys that have hit there girlfriends' for something they had no control over?
    a lot of them, they're called abusers, and such people belong in jail. and they do have control over it, they poorly exert their rage and anger. Only time you cant control your body is if you have spasms, such as hiccups, sneezing, seizures, etc. So really , the reason scumbags like that end up single and hated or rotting in jail is because they had control over hitting they're girlfriends, wives, etc. Are there any guys that have hit there girlfriends' for something they had no control over?
    The guy is a coward! No matter what someone does, they never deserved to be hit, guy or girl. It's illegal and immoral! If this is happening to you, stop it now. Get out of the relationship, he may say sorry, he might even really be sorry, but it will happen again if you let him get away with it. And each time it will get easier and easier for him to do it without feeling guilty. It will also get easier for you to accept it, which isn't good!
    Yes, Once. She was the worst mistake ever. Glad i did it. Had a big marijuana, meth, and alcohol problems. She started to freak out and she was going crazy, and i hit her in the arm. shes tried to contact me but i wont respond. she has been in prision several times now.
    I don't have a girlfriend but I know I would never hit my sister or my mum (no matter what situation occurs). As someone wrote that is what you call domestic abuse and apart from the moral issues, the guy could be (should be) jailed for it
    if any loser of a guy hits you, you hit them back and run..... and make sure you never talk to them again... get a restraining order if you have to but don't let guys walk all over you
    Sweetie if this is you or one of your friends your talking about, please get out of the relationship if it continues on as such! i've had friends in abusic relationships and...ya not good...
    Yes, because domestic abuse is immaturity at it's worst.
    Anyone that says YES to this question should be reported to the police and charged with assault!
    Thats sick and twisted only trough cowards would stoop so low to hit a woman. If this is your situation pleas get out of it and contact a help line. for your own personal safety
    I'd only hit a woman if she was trying to kill me.
    Yes. They have an anger issue. I think they all need help before the girl takes him down.
    such activity is abuse, the guy should be arrested for assault.
    Real men do not hit their girlfriends...period.
    no... the only time i hit my girlfriend is when we are both playing around.. i would never hit a woman out of anger...
    that IS sick and the girl should report it to the police.
    I've never hit a woman.
    I don't care what she did, I would never hit her.
    I've never hit a girl at all.
    oh yea. its common : ) plus women should do as there told
    Yeah, my ex. He's a scumbag loser who lives with his mom now.

    How do I know when to start taking birth control pills if I have no periods?

    I haven't had a period for about a year and a half now, partially because I was training so hard for a marathon and partially because right after that, I went to rural India and lost a lot of weight. I'm still working on gaining it back as I just came back to the US a little while ago, but I'm supposed to start taking birth control. I have no idea what my period schedule is because I haven't had it in so long. When am I supposed to take the first pill, or does it even matter? The directions say during the week following my period :-/How do I know when to start taking birth control pills if I have no periods?
    You should probably wait until you get your period again. I had a friend who was training for a marathon and she lost her period. This isn't healthy. It means you're not getting enough nutricion for the amount of exercise that you're doing. You may not specifically need to gain weight (although it's probably going to happen anyway to get your body healthy), but it sounds like you definitely need to improve your eating habits. You may also want to go see your doctor, as you might have other blood issues too, like anemia. During your doctor visit, ask whether it would be a good idea to take the pill.How do I know when to start taking birth control pills if I have no periods?
    Most pills say to start on a Sunday. Start it then.

    After you're on the pill for a month or two, your periods should come back.
    Your gynocologist can give you a medication, i can't remember the name of it sorry it started with a ';c'; that can make your period start if you don't have them on your own
    Wow, you're lucky. I wanna start training for a marathon just to loose it. I say, try not to get it back. Just don't take birth control cause if you don't have it, there's no why you can get pregnant anyway. What's it like in rural India?

    Do you think GWB gets hammered to much for things he has no control over?

    Absolutely. Every President gets hammered for things over which he has no control.Do you think GWB gets hammered to much for things he has no control over?
    As much as I hate him, I'd say yes, he is blamed for a lot of things that are out his control. However, if he wasn't so inept to begin with, then he wouldn't have left himself so open.Do you think GWB gets hammered to much for things he has no control over?
    amazing how many things have gone wrong while he's been out of control
    What does he get hammered for that he has no control over?

    Patriot Act? His idea.

    Torture? His administration.

    Iraq invasion? His idea.

    Cherry picking intelligence? His administration.

    Poor economy? See Iraq above coupled with tax breaks for the extremely wealthy and overall pathetic economic policy.

    Aftermath of Katrina? ';Heckova job, Brownie!';

    Poor performance as President...Bush.
    Yes I do. See he controls the weather, other governments, earthquakes, and whatever else that has happened. There is a volcano in Peru, it has not blown for 9,000 years. Guess what, it happened under his watch, his fault. This man has super natural powers.

    The war with Iraq was voted on by Congress and passed by Senate. The President only has the power to act alone when the country is attacked. Bush still went to the Congress and Senate.

    During Bill Clinton's tenure as president they had proof of weapons of mass destruction. I would like to know what happened to that proof.

    People was so determined to have a change they voted in a Congress and Senate that left them with nothing but change. Of course if Bush wouldn't have voted like that, this wouldn't have happened. The economy is his fault to. Everything was going to well so we had to stir up the pot a little. Only problem is the thing boiled over. Now all Americans live with the change, or their $.01 change.
    Yes. He's an easy target and he doesn't fight back.
    All presidents do. That is part of the job. You have to take the blame for everything. Frankly, I think Bush has done a better job at making it look like everyone but him is to blame for everything.
    sadly, YES.
    Yes,Congress is the one that runs the economic.Bush and Congress Which ones worse?Approval ratings for the Democrat Congress worse than those for Bush.

    This website will show those uneducated the CONSTITUTIONAL power Congress has. Read up on what kind of control Congress has on War and Money. Then if you still believe its the Presidents fault, you have moved from Ignorant (unknowing) to stupid (knowing and not caring)

    Like ordering the invasion of Iraq?

    Playing word games in order to legalize torture?

    Ignoring a breifing on Aug 6 2001 titled ';Al Qaida dertermined to attack inside the United States';?

    Not having a plan for governing Iraq after said invasion?

    There is enough to hammer him on that we don't need to pay attention to those things he can't control.
    Yes, for things he has no control over.

    Not enough for the things he does.
    Yes, it's become worldwide insanity to blame him for everything.
    The same way Bill Clinton gets credit for things he had nothing to do with.
    No, I don't think so. The President of the United States of America has a very important and difficult job... and he is knowingly opening himself to severe and harsh criticism when he takes his Oath of Office. If he can't take the heat, he shouldn't be in the kitchen.
    Naw....We hammer him for the Stupid $HIT he does anyway, and sadly, he does it ALL THE TIME!!!
    I think that GWB gets hammered too much, loses control,

    and keeps doing stupid stuff. Over and over again.
    Bro people were on here saying he was involved in the cyclone that killed thousands the other day. The far left has a DEEP hate for him and there is nothing you can do about it.
    George Bush created all of his own problems with his poor management skills.

    His first mistake was appointing Cheney to pick his running mate.

    His second mistake was agreeing with him when he chose himself.

    After those two mistakes he lost control of his administration to the Neocons that Cheney brought with him.

    He abandoned the platform that he campaigned on, and allowed them to steer him into oblivion.

    He gets hammered for things he wasn't in control of, but he is the one who relinquished control in the first place.
    Yes, anti-Bush zealots blame him for everything under the sun.

    If we were to believe the anti-Bush zealots, the extinction of the dinosaurs would be Pres. Bush's fault.

    The last ice age? Blame Bush.

    The fall of the Egyptian Empire? Blame Bush.

    Everything that has gone wrong and will go wrong in the history of the world, is all Bush's fault if we listen to anti-Bush zealots.
    He has made some really awful decisions that have cost this country dearly, so no.
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