Friday, August 6, 2010

How do you stop bad things happing to that will damage you when you have no control over peoples actions?

stay away from people who damage youHow do you stop bad things happing to that will damage you when you have no control over peoples actions?
If another person's actions are causing you grief, pain or embarrassment, there are two things you can do:

1) In the future, look for signs that this might occur again only manipulate the outcome to satisfy your liking. In other words, if there is anything you can do to divert the chain reaction before it occurs, do it and see if there is a different outcome. Example: I used to go to work with a friend about 75 miles away. We rode in his truck and split the gas money. Every time we would stop somewhere, he would lock the truck, and when we were about to get into the truck again, he would hold the key and tell me whatever he wanted me to hear and I was trapped. After I figured out that was his reason for wanting me to ride with him (control) I started taking my own vehicle. This made him angry at first but later I told him that I was not going to be subjected to his control (even though it was trivial).

He admitted it and I put a stop to it by figuring it out in advance.

2) Walk away - and don't look back. If this is an option, be sure and let the person know that your doing it because of their behavior. Maybe they will change and maybe they won't, but at that point you shouldn't really care.

Good Luck!How do you stop bad things happing to that will damage you when you have no control over peoples actions?
You cannot control the things that happen to you. You can only control your reactions to the things that happen to you.

Bad things will happen. We don't live in a fantasy fairy tale land. But it's how you choose to deal with them that determines your future.

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