Tuesday, August 24, 2010

How come there are no massacres in the states with gun control?

The three states (actually, jurisdictions) in the US with the strongest gun laws are California, New Jersey, and the District of Columbia. In recent memory, there have been no major massacres in any of those states. All the massacres seem to be in states with weak gun laws, such as Columbine High in Colorado, Virginia Tech in Virginia, and now Fort Hood in Texas.How come there are no massacres in the states with gun control?
California is in ****! Its a lost state, they want our help!

And it wasnt someone that went nuts b/c we dont have strict laws, he was upset and planned to do this b/c he was a wuss who didnt want to hurt his ';people'; in iraq. He had no balls to stand up for a country that gave him a medical degree, in a country where he borrowed freedom and stole lives.How come there are no massacres in the states with gun control?
Perhaps there hasn't been a recent massacre in California and DC, but they certainly have their share of murders involving guns! And I recall last year a guy in California walked in an opened fire at a Christmas party killing some people.

As far as Fort Hood, that is a Military base and many of the soldiers are issued guns. That doesn't mean they carry them all the time, usually just when they are deployed, but I can't think of a place with more gun control then a Military base! When my husband was in the Military and we lived on base, it wasn't even allowed to have a gun in your base housing if it was registered.

These people that commit these crimes are crazy @sses. They would have got their hands on a gun one way or another.
Maybe not massacres... but tons more homicide. Baltimore has super strong gun control and is, as far as I know, still crime capital of the United States. Don't even get me started on new jersey. And have you ever actually been to DC. Spend a week in Southeast DC, you probably won't come back.
Yet more people are killed by guns in those states and D.C. You look only for the massacre. Look for the total killed and it will be higher in those areas, higher crime rates also.

Kinda like a plane crash a lot of people are killed all at once so it makes the news but a fatal car crash every 30 minutes no one pays attention.
Interesting take on the subject....

Why then does California have a 72.2% Per Capita gun crime and Texas has 64.8% Colorado is 58.3 and Virginia is at 64.8

Alaska has virtually zero gun control laws and their gun crime statistics are 45.9

Your assertions don't add up when compared to the facts.
im not a redneck and you can just give up cuz even if you stupid mother ******* wanna give up your rights im not letting you take mine with them so i don't give a **** what kind of laws get passed im keeping my guns all 5 of them and there is not shyt you can do about it as for you question it is completely retarded look at the murder rate of the three places you just mentioned cali haha ever heard of compton they got a higher body count than any mass shooting new jersey yeah great place to live and district of columbia don't get me started on the crime there you gotta be out your ****** mind
You know, how many gang related shootings get reported?

Probably never because the media focuses on celebrities.

To the media inner city kids are roaches.

It's sad but that's reality.

To kill this thesis, you must look at the places of highest crime, so what if you can't let people get guns legally. People will get them illegally. Look at the inner cities of California. Where I am from. It's dangerous. I'm not walking around down town LA at night.
You really think gun control works because you have a bad memory? I remember last year a man in California dressed in a Santa Claus suit killed ten people including himself. All gun control did was prevent any of the victims from defending themselves.
There's a whole bunch of states left without massacres there skippy. Many of which have very lenient gun laws. As for California, New Jersey and the District of Columbia. Lets talk violent crime stats.
That's anecdotal. Massacres are a rare event, trying to infer anything by looking at a few cases isn't very convincing. It's also data mining. Why look at just massacres? Why not look at all gun crime.
Wackos will find ways to kill regardless of state laws. McVeigh could just have easily blown up a federal building in California.
Just like a lib, try to blane a gun for the nut that is doing the killing. What if he used a pipe bomb? Would you want to outlaw pipe? Planes were used on 9/11 why don't we outlaw them?
Pretty sure the hypothesis you're trying to promote, is completely invalid. Too many co-factors and extraneous factors exist.

The gun laws are a moot point here.
Actually, those states have the strongest laws protecting gun rights, not the weakest.
Maybe not but even adding the number of ';massacres'; those states mention still have a higher rate of gun crimes...
all the massacres are where the nuts show up.should we ban cars,highway accidents kill more people than guns! what the fk! typical liberal stupidity......

Two words: The Constitution

You're not banning guns get over it.
this is the most weak argument for high gun control ive ever heard. do some real research please.
Massacres are a random event. It has nothing to do with politics.
Drunken hillbillies often go beserk.
Good ol' boys just gotta shoot someone, now and then....

. Are there any risk factors for heart attacks that you have no control over?

Explain.. please help!. Are there any risk factors for heart attacks that you have no control over?
I would say two factors over which you have no control would be race and genetics. Also many people have no control over living in poverty. No money=little to no proper health care, lower food quality...you get my point.. Are there any risk factors for heart attacks that you have no control over?
genetic disposition - i.e. a heart defect you inherited, like arrythmia or a faulty valve.
  • make up tips
  • If there's no ';Animal Control'; in your area, what can U do about unwanted, stray cats on your property?

    Ask the police. Even if there is no separate animal control function, there has to be somebody with the job of handling animal related issues. It might be a state function.If there's no ';Animal Control'; in your area, what can U do about unwanted, stray cats on your property?
    by an oduor spray that repels them, a safer option than poisoning them!!! or put a water sprinkler on when they come in your garden, soon wont come anymore!If there's no ';Animal Control'; in your area, what can U do about unwanted, stray cats on your property?
    Get a grip.

    There cats there not causing you any harm.

    They will wonder, its there nature.
    Poison or humane traps are the only thing I could think of.
    Shoot them.
    get a bb gun

    Do women like to be controlled by men because they have no sense of self-control?

    Women are always talking about wanting ';a man who knows how to take control.'; To me, this seems like a plan devised by women so they don't have to be personally accountable for their out-of-control behaviors, which are all too common.Do women like to be controlled by men because they have no sense of self-control?
    What you say is not false; there is quite a bit of truth in it.Do women like to be controlled by men because they have no sense of self-control?
    You must be young.
    Women are not always talking about ';wanting a man who knows how to take control.'; One or two women of your acquaintance, may have spoken of this, but I have never heard it nor has anybody I asked either. One or two men thought it sounded like wishful thinking - ';a bloke wanting total control?'; one of them asked.

    The next stage of this exercise would be the man shouting: ';Why can't you take responsibility for yourself!'; Try writing more disciplined prose and you will probably attract fewer out-of-control women.
    Hey Axel, enjoyed your movies! I don't know how many women really say such things in this day and age. But if you are really hearing it from a large number of women I am going to guess that it is one way of saying that a man who exhibits confidence is appreciated. A man who knows how to control himself, his life, a given situation, would be a man who is considered confident, intelligent and capable. These are all traits that are highly valued by men as well as women. Please don't confuse that with women wanting to be controlled by any man in their life. Very few women really want that. Even in cases where a woman might confuse that sort of control for confidence, sooner or later she will see the difference, and will cease to appreciate it. And I daresay will cease to put up with it. Do you see the difference? PS: There are as many different attitudes among women as there are among men. So please don't fall into the trap of thinking that all women are alike in any sort of behavior, attitude or reaction towards anything. Do you think that all of the men you know in this world are all alike? I'm guessing your honest answer will be ';no.'; And if so, why would you think that all of the women in this world are alike in any way? Just something to think about.
    I honestly haven't heard any women say that, but I would assume any woman who would say she wanted a man in control, would mean that she wanted a man in control of his own life, or himself.

    Personally, I take pride in being accountable for my actions, choices, etc. I enjoy being independent because it is a personality trait I admire.

    I am sorry if you feel that most women are out-of-control and don't want to be responsible for themselves. But more so, I'm sorry that there are women out there who are giving you this impression of all of us.
    You're right about part of it:

    Women don't have any sense of control, but you're wrong, we don't like to be controlled by men. We are controlled by those waves coming from outer space that tell us what to do and say that will most irritate guys like you. Did it work?


    I don't know any woman who says they want a man who knows how to take control. Are there really women who say this? Please tell me where so I can be sure to avoid that state or country.
    People ask me why I don't have a ';boyfriend';.

    It's this attitude that does it for me...
    All these girls answering... The reason is that women want to feel safe and taken care of (not to mention special). Most women have this kind of mentality ingrained into them, that the guy should take care of them. So when you're going out to dinner, they don't want you to ask you what restaurant to go to (so that you both enjoy the food), but rather they want you to take them somewhere that they will like... in other words, you have to read their mind. Goodluck with that!
    I can't answer for other women and what they want, but I have never wanted a man to control me. I have had far more self-control than any of the men I've been with, who all turned out to be either drug-addicted, alcoholics, or aggressive twits, or a combination of all three! My problem has never been one of trying to find a man to take control of me, but rather of trying to find a man who DOESN'T want to take control of me, but wants me as an equal partner in an equal relationship. If you're hanging around with women who want a ';father-figure'; in a relationship, you need to hang out in a more mature crowd, mate!
    who have you been seeing? it's the new millennium. women now are leading nations, multi-national companies and other stuff. we take part and excel in sports, arts, finance and all facets of life. we take control of our lives. if a woman tells you that she wants a man who takes control, you have to ask her in what context. is it in deciding where and when to take your vacation, where to go to dinner or what movie to see? now, i hardly see that as ';a plan devised'; to be unaccountable for our behaviour.
    Where did you get THAT lovely gem of non-information?

    ';women are always talking about...'; where? which women? who collected this data?

    define ';out of control behaviors'; please, because im not quite sure what you mean.

    Basically, all you did was make up a statement, based on some opinions that you probably saw in an entertainment magazine, to justify trying to insult women.

    Your eloquent non-argument is duly noted and summarily ignored.
    didnt i tell you to hold my purse when i shop?

    bad boy for not listening!
    Shadow Dweller reminds us aptly how important it is to keep a sense of humor. Thanks.
    no i dont think that quite is what it means. i sometimes like to be controled, by being told what to do and when to do it. when to sit and stand and when i can speak. but not all the time. only when i am feeling week. its nice to give the control to someone else until you regain it for yourself. but thats just me.

    and the saying that women want a man to take control, it means more like take control of the making the bulk of the money, finding the house... manly things. or at least thats how i see it.
    Right. Go to your closest nearby jail. Counts the females who are there due to 'out of control' behaviors. Now count the males.

    Do the same thing at your local hospital.

    Do the same thing at your local morgue.

    Come back and tell us what you learned.
    I choose to be completely independent and that's why I don't date anymore. I just didn't like other people telling me what to do, nor do I like making life easier for a guy just so he could walk all over me.
    indeed some women do prefer to have a man who is in control of them. Usually a big mean muscular one. However, there are almost as many women who prefer a 'shy guy' or someone who 'makes them laugh'.

    It depends on many factors, such as the way they're brought up, cultural settings etc. It's the same with men. Some men want a woman to be timid and reliant on them for everything, and they won't let a woman do anything for themselves, and some men (like myself) prefer a woman to be independant and ambitious.

    It's safe to say that most women want a man who knows how to take control when it's necessary, but also respects them as women with their own minds and freedom.

    Never try to understand the diversity of womankind my friend, they are too confusing.

    How to control/conquer appetite (spiritual answers, no fasting please)?

    I am having difficulty controlling appetite. The form of god I worship (Sai Baba of Shirdi) tells all that one should eat in moderation and should not entertain the endless desires of the tongue. He also tells that one should not fast if one is following his spiritual path. I have difficulty controlling my appetite and putting god's teachings into practice. I would be grateful if someone gave me practical tips and advice on how I can control my tongue.How to control/conquer appetite (spiritual answers, no fasting please)?
    I will share what works for me. I eat anything that I want to eat, but I do not EVER eat all of it. I do NOT clean my plate. If we go out to eat, I always bring a box of food home for later. You can eat every two hours and eat whatever you want but don't OVEREAT. Each time you eat your stomach will either shrink or stretch to accommodate what it is given. Over time you can shrink your stomach and you will get full more quickly and when you are 'full' stop. Actually, stop before you get that feeling. Eat slowly and you will know when to stop. It works for me and I have never dieted and I am the perfect weight for my height.How to control/conquer appetite (spiritual answers, no fasting please)?
    you may be not eating enough food that fills you up. oats help you stay full in small portions. also you may need more protein, this helps you stay fuller longer also. if you can't eat meat try different types of bean and legumes like chickpeas, you can even eat tofu. pretty much foods high in fiber like fruits and vegetables helps a lot, and it doesn't take much to make you full.
    drink a lot of green tea. it kills your appetite. it also tastes delicious. buy Arizona green tea, you get a lot without spending too much.
    Eating high fiber foods and exercising is a great way of controlling your appetite!

    Fiber keeps you feeling full for a long time. So does soup!
    Drink a glass of water before each meal, to help fill up your stomach.

    When is the last time you worried people about a situation you have no control over?

    I'm sorry guys!!! MWAH! *blows you a kiss*When is the last time you worried people about a situation you have no control over?
    i try not to do that cause i am usually the one doing the worringWhen is the last time you worried people about a situation you have no control over?
    *catches kiss*

    *blows one right back*

    No worries hun! Just glad you're here :-)
    Just last night actually, %26amp; the situation seems to be getting worse as we type...
    Today actually.

    Real life is the s*its at times, but I give it my best anyways.

    Kiss kiss darling...Lol
    I do that to my stupervisor at work.

    (No kisses. Wife gets jealous).
    I dont think I ever have, I tend to withdrawl when something is bothering me.
    kisses back at you , sweety

    no harm done hunni


    I try not to do that!

    How do i change something i have no control over?

    help.... plz.How do i change something i have no control over?
    You cannot!

    Just accept it %26amp; the you'll find inner peaceHow do i change something i have no control over?
    The question is vague and extremely philosophical. Obviously, you can't change something you have no control over, so you either need to accept the event, or if it's possible, alter events within your capability that lead up to whatever it is you wish to change. Interesting question to ponder ...

    Good luck to you.
    Not knowing the exact 'thing' that you are referring to makes it difficult to answer such question. But if somehow you have a certain degree of relatedness to that thing or situation, you can begin the change from yourself. Changing something in oneself is very good for ones well-being. And, if you play a role model as a good leader, as a good citizen, as a faithful worker/employer and the like, you are in fact holding a light for all to see. The light shines to all and its light penetrates the darkness. In this way, you can change something which is not in you control. All good wishes!
    At your place, I would go see the person who have a certain controol on the thing and try to convince him/her to help you change something or if you wanna help a person and he/she have the control, make him/her see what would happen if he/she don't change.

    I hope it will help you!
    you can't change what is not in your ability to change. If you have no control over it, then you can not control what happens. I wish we could control what is out of our control then maybe some of the bad things that happened in my life wouldn't of happened. but it was out of my control. and there fore it happened. unless you can see it coming before it hits. then maybe you can avoid it, but you can't control what is out of your power to control. duh!
    u can't
    You are right when you say have no control over changing that impossible see you answered yur own ? :)
    Build a time machine...Problem solved.
    You need to be more specific. But if you crave an answer then try this. Have people who care about you help you change. Also people who don't want help can't be helped.
    um I don't think you can change something that you don't have any control over because if you could then it would mean that you do have the ability to control that something that you claim that you have no control over so by saying that you have no control over it means it is unchangeable unless like what that other guy said about building a time machine...
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