Friday, August 6, 2010

Why are fat people suppose to be sad, lazy and have no self control?

I am fat, no I am not plump, big boned or any of the other names people use when they are fat. I am fat and proud to be so. What gets me is people who say I am lazy or have no self control or that I must be deppressed because I am so big. I dont use excuses because I am fat and I dont try to hide behind some fersaude, I am who I am. I have 3 kids, my home is clean and I am a happy person. I work from the time my feet hit the floor. I am also very healthy. I dont have any high blood, diabeties or take any regular medicines a day. I just wish people would get to know me before they judge me. Yes I could have surgery but I dont want it, I do not want to be a botox barbie or look like I never eat. My last meal will not be a salad unless I want it to be. So what do you think?Why are fat people suppose to be sad, lazy and have no self control?
FAT is BEAUTIFUL!Why are fat people suppose to be sad, lazy and have no self control?
i agree with you totally i am also fat and everyone swears i am lazy too and i am not lazy and i don't use excuses i am fat and it is my fault i am fat and if i would put my mind to it i could loose weight but would that really make me happy? but anyways i agree with you people sterotype way too much! good luck! you sound like a really good person
Because of your level frame of mind, you are a hottie.

Here's to being fat!
That is because they hate themselves and their sad little lives so much. That is the only thing they can think of to complain about to make themselves look good.
Well may I ask why you are ';fat';? Do you have slow metabolism? Eat too much and can't work it off?
lol I've said these same words...most of them a point I think you should just forget all of those ignorant people. They don't get it they never will. If you are happy, great for you. Smile and just go on with your life. Don't be angry it wastes your energy!!! :) Love your yourself...fat or thin or whatever.

I'm the biggest I've ever been and I finally get it. It has nothing to do with all of's your attitude and confidence. :)
i think your absolutly right; people should not judge you with out knowing you.

But what can you or I or anyone really do to stop them?

But what you can change your self by ignoring them, if you are fat, are healthy, happy, and proud then you have nothing to worry about.
I think that people shouldn't judge a book by it's cover but with society being the way it is these days people can't help but to have preconceived notions of what or how they feel a woman's body should look like hell even feel like for that matter if we left it up to those kinds of people who are those kind of people the same stereo typical SOB'S that feel obesity is a disease. Case and point if you are comfortable in your skin who the hell cares what tom, dick, or harry thinks. take care and stay in control and most of all happy but if it starts to affect your health, stop and take a deep breath and think before you let it go. Good Luck.
good for you, you sound a little fussy though..

but still cool
i think theres too many low lifes in this world who need to get over their own problems before spoiling other peoples lives
I feel so sorry for you because your post shows that you have low self esteem. If you really think so there is no real need to tell the whole world. You are just seeking assurance from the wrong place. Try getting it from the people around you instead of online.
I have been where you are. And although I had everything going for me, and a career, deep inside of myself, I was ashamed of how I looked because I knew I could do better. So...I did. I lost 110lbs. with gastric bypass; it wasn't easy. However, I'm much happier. I don't believe that any fat person wants to stay fat. They may have convinced themselves that they are healthy and ok, but we all know that's not true. You wear out your joints, have back pain, develop a host of disease processes from your obesity in the long run. You don't have look like a 'barbie' yourself, but if you want to lose weight, lose it for yourself and no one else. People will always judge you when you're fat. if you weren't concerned about this, you wouldn't be writing about it. My heart goes out to you. Godloveya!
honey,you are not fat you are ';thick';. I am so glad someone spoke up for all us big girls who work our buts off but it never seems to get the idea!!! YOU GO GIRLFRIEND!!!!!
I think if your happy with who you are why does it matter what people think or say. You sound anything but lazy with 3 kids and a home to take care of. As long as you make sure that you are getting enough vitamins and other nutrients more power to you.
I think your a proud confident women that is also a great mom. Your right, don't pay attention to the other losers.
People judge others no matter what. You kind of just have to accept in life, that people judge. I know it's a very hard thing to accept, but you can not change it. I too am overwieght, but have lost a lot over the past few years (still working on it), and have definitely noticed a difference in how people treat me and relate to me. I know it sounds stupid, but if you want people to stop judging you for your weight, you have to try to lose the weight. But do it for you and do it for the right reasons. Be healthy!
I know a bunch of people of varying high weights and I can say that it's definitely not correct to make those kinds of generalizations. At least some of the ones I know are cheerful, friendly, energetic and hard-working.
hei dude your self estem rocks.its just that 60% of fat people are lazy thats why its just a old sayin get over it no one thinks that way these day....... ..happy eating
You go girl!

Some of the laziest people I've worked with were skinny minnies. I think they're so malnurished they have no energy. lol

As for sad... that's a new one. Used to be fat people complained because everyone exptected them to be jolly. And about the ';self control';... well, if you're fat, you either don't get enough exercise, eat high calorie foods, or do have a self control issue concerning food. But not necessarily about other things.

I speak from the heart. I'm a big girl and I will admit I have issues with overeating. I'm not huge but it still pisses me off that people will look and an anorexic with pitty because she is starving herself to death yet the same people will look at obese people with disgust because she is eating herself to death.

Both situations are Eating Disorders. Neither starving nor overeating is natural and those suffering from either eating disorder deserve to be treated fairly.

Thin people think fat people are all gluttons. Did they ever stop to think that a person need only gain five pounds a year, for 10 years, to be 50 pounds overweight? Five pounds a year? It's not like that is hard to do. The biggest difference between someone who is ';average'; weight and someone who is ';over weight'; is the former is able to lose the 5 pounds whereas the latter cannot or does not.

I know there are health risks associated with being over weight. But I am a healthcare worker in a hospital and I know firsthand that oftentimes fat people simply do not get the same medical attention as other people. Their doctors are far too eager to blame all their problems on their weight whereas a thin person's complaints will be taken more seriously and tests will be ordered thereby getting an earlier diagnosis. I've often wondered if the proported life expectancy of fat people would be closer to that of a thin person if they received equal healthcare--especially considering the number of fat people who simply refuse to go to the doctor because their doctors humiliate them during each visit.

Thin people heathier? Put me and a skinny minnie on a deserted island and see who lives longer. And.... look at people who get cancer... or some other terminal illness. The skinny people die sooner from starvation. Fat people have reserves to get them through. LOL

Bottom line.... live how YOU want to live. Eat how YOU want to eat. To hell with everyone else. Also, I agree about the surgery. As I said, I work in healthcare and I've seen way too many complications following gastric bypasses for me to EVER consider that even if I were big enough to qualify.

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