Tuesday, August 24, 2010

In a debate with no moderator would Obama lose control of his temper?

We know Hillary can push his buttons.In a debate with no moderator would Obama lose control of his temper?
Of course. He has no spine and cannot handle the heatIn a debate with no moderator would Obama lose control of his temper?
First of all ';typical black men'; don't just go around slapping women.Someone has watched too much television.Second, Obama is not stupid.He would never have gotten this far if he was.If he has survive Hillary's stupid premenstral attacks so far, what makes you think he would back down?He is a laywer.He likes a good fight.Hillary has turned out to be a big disappointment to me.I thought that she had a little more class than she has shown in these past few months.All that she has shown me is that she can get angry and throw mud.That kind of behavior is one of the reasons that women are considered the weaker sex.I'd much rather have Obama handling a nuclear crisis with a cool head than Hillary acting all emotional as soon as someone says something to put her on the spot.She could get us all blown to pieces.
No, as in the last debate, the man is dumbfounded without a teleprompter. Hillary will be wiping the floor with him as he trys to get out a sentence. If he never know's what hits him, how can be angry about it?
He might try but he would get tore up from the floor up by Hillary. Also remember that she is protected by the secret service so THEY might take him down if the ';typical black man'; started coming out and he tried to slap that white hoe.
Yes, debates are his worse forum.

But the Zobambies would ignore it, even if he lost.


You'll near they're near when you start to get that tingle go up your leg.

ps How many pieces of silver Gov. Richardson?
Hillary's a woman, and yes, she knows how to push buttons. It's a woman thing. He would probably just cry out for his wife to come and tell Hillary to be quiet!
Barry knows that without a script prepared for a specific set of questions, Hillary would own him.
Obama is stupid, he doesn't not what he is doing, but some how he is leading. I hope people get smart and realize he is not the best candidate to beat McCain
He would give everyone the bird, just like he did the audience two weeks ago (or was that meant for Hillary?)
he'd lose control of his bladder...he's scared to death of hillary
He might lose control of his bowels.
no its just there is nothing to gain. He has the nomination locked.
It's not going to happen.
Try not to judge him by your own standards. You simply show why he is an ideal candidate.

All the silly name calling and claims of racism show how desperate the GOP are to get Clinton as their opponent.
No, but Hillary would lose her mind. Perhaps we can ask her if she killed Vince Foster? or why she had the travel office employees fired?
I think Obama has shown a lot of restraint in response to the most idiotic of attacks. Maybe too much so.
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