Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Do women like to be controlled by men because they have no sense of self-control?

Women are always talking about wanting ';a man who knows how to take control.'; To me, this seems like a plan devised by women so they don't have to be personally accountable for their out-of-control behaviors, which are all too common.Do women like to be controlled by men because they have no sense of self-control?
What you say is not false; there is quite a bit of truth in it.Do women like to be controlled by men because they have no sense of self-control?
You must be young.
Women are not always talking about ';wanting a man who knows how to take control.'; One or two women of your acquaintance, may have spoken of this, but I have never heard it nor has anybody I asked either. One or two men thought it sounded like wishful thinking - ';a bloke wanting total control?'; one of them asked.

The next stage of this exercise would be the man shouting: ';Why can't you take responsibility for yourself!'; Try writing more disciplined prose and you will probably attract fewer out-of-control women.
Hey Axel, enjoyed your movies! I don't know how many women really say such things in this day and age. But if you are really hearing it from a large number of women I am going to guess that it is one way of saying that a man who exhibits confidence is appreciated. A man who knows how to control himself, his life, a given situation, would be a man who is considered confident, intelligent and capable. These are all traits that are highly valued by men as well as women. Please don't confuse that with women wanting to be controlled by any man in their life. Very few women really want that. Even in cases where a woman might confuse that sort of control for confidence, sooner or later she will see the difference, and will cease to appreciate it. And I daresay will cease to put up with it. Do you see the difference? PS: There are as many different attitudes among women as there are among men. So please don't fall into the trap of thinking that all women are alike in any sort of behavior, attitude or reaction towards anything. Do you think that all of the men you know in this world are all alike? I'm guessing your honest answer will be ';no.'; And if so, why would you think that all of the women in this world are alike in any way? Just something to think about.
I honestly haven't heard any women say that, but I would assume any woman who would say she wanted a man in control, would mean that she wanted a man in control of his own life, or himself.

Personally, I take pride in being accountable for my actions, choices, etc. I enjoy being independent because it is a personality trait I admire.

I am sorry if you feel that most women are out-of-control and don't want to be responsible for themselves. But more so, I'm sorry that there are women out there who are giving you this impression of all of us.
You're right about part of it:

Women don't have any sense of control, but you're wrong, we don't like to be controlled by men. We are controlled by those waves coming from outer space that tell us what to do and say that will most irritate guys like you. Did it work?


I don't know any woman who says they want a man who knows how to take control. Are there really women who say this? Please tell me where so I can be sure to avoid that state or country.
People ask me why I don't have a ';boyfriend';.

It's this attitude that does it for me...
All these girls answering... The reason is that women want to feel safe and taken care of (not to mention special). Most women have this kind of mentality ingrained into them, that the guy should take care of them. So when you're going out to dinner, they don't want you to ask you what restaurant to go to (so that you both enjoy the food), but rather they want you to take them somewhere that they will like... in other words, you have to read their mind. Goodluck with that!
I can't answer for other women and what they want, but I have never wanted a man to control me. I have had far more self-control than any of the men I've been with, who all turned out to be either drug-addicted, alcoholics, or aggressive twits, or a combination of all three! My problem has never been one of trying to find a man to take control of me, but rather of trying to find a man who DOESN'T want to take control of me, but wants me as an equal partner in an equal relationship. If you're hanging around with women who want a ';father-figure'; in a relationship, you need to hang out in a more mature crowd, mate!
who have you been seeing? it's the new millennium. women now are leading nations, multi-national companies and other stuff. we take part and excel in sports, arts, finance and all facets of life. we take control of our lives. if a woman tells you that she wants a man who takes control, you have to ask her in what context. is it in deciding where and when to take your vacation, where to go to dinner or what movie to see? now, i hardly see that as ';a plan devised'; to be unaccountable for our behaviour.
Where did you get THAT lovely gem of non-information?

';women are always talking about...'; where? which women? who collected this data?

define ';out of control behaviors'; please, because im not quite sure what you mean.

Basically, all you did was make up a statement, based on some opinions that you probably saw in an entertainment magazine, to justify trying to insult women.

Your eloquent non-argument is duly noted and summarily ignored.
didnt i tell you to hold my purse when i shop?

bad boy for not listening!
Shadow Dweller reminds us aptly how important it is to keep a sense of humor. Thanks.
no i dont think that quite is what it means. i sometimes like to be controled, by being told what to do and when to do it. when to sit and stand and when i can speak. but not all the time. only when i am feeling week. its nice to give the control to someone else until you regain it for yourself. but thats just me.

and the saying that women want a man to take control, it means more like take control of the making the bulk of the money, finding the house... manly things. or at least thats how i see it.
Right. Go to your closest nearby jail. Counts the females who are there due to 'out of control' behaviors. Now count the males.

Do the same thing at your local hospital.

Do the same thing at your local morgue.

Come back and tell us what you learned.
I choose to be completely independent and that's why I don't date anymore. I just didn't like other people telling me what to do, nor do I like making life easier for a guy just so he could walk all over me.
indeed some women do prefer to have a man who is in control of them. Usually a big mean muscular one. However, there are almost as many women who prefer a 'shy guy' or someone who 'makes them laugh'.

It depends on many factors, such as the way they're brought up, cultural settings etc. It's the same with men. Some men want a woman to be timid and reliant on them for everything, and they won't let a woman do anything for themselves, and some men (like myself) prefer a woman to be independant and ambitious.

It's safe to say that most women want a man who knows how to take control when it's necessary, but also respects them as women with their own minds and freedom.

Never try to understand the diversity of womankind my friend, they are too confusing.

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