Saturday, August 21, 2010

I was on birth control and still had 3 missed periods. Now, I am off birth control and still no period.?

I am trying to get pregnant, but do I need to have a period to get pregnant? Is there any possible way to bring about a period so I would no when I am ovulating?I was on birth control and still had 3 missed periods. Now, I am off birth control and still no period.?
You don't necessarily need a period to get pregnant, but my doc told me a period means your ovarys are working well, or should be. So if you don't have a period it doesn't mean you wont get pregnant. It usually takes awhile for period to come back after stopping birth control.I was on birth control and still had 3 missed periods. Now, I am off birth control and still no period.?
You may want to take a quick test - I got pregnant while on the pill.

My friend recently stopped taking the pill a year ago after being on it for 4 years and she just got pregnant. Her periods were really screwed up and in that year she only got it 4 times...

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