Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Is it just me or do you men feel like you have no control in relationship. Why are women selfish and dominant?

Sorry I am not a man and this appears to be addressed to men. Perhaps you are attracted to women who are bad for you. Are you more interested in the dominatrix type, even subconciously? You are also right that some women are selfish-but so are some men; but again perhaps you try to be too nice and they ride roughshod over your goodness! Certainly you seem to have had a rough time, but please do not write us all off yet-I promise we are not all like that. Take your time to find the right woman, happy hunting.Is it just me or do you men feel like you have no control in relationship. Why are women selfish and dominant?
It's not just you it's the women you are choosing too but in a world/countries where they have legally become first class citizens while men bear more responsibilities yet have to ride coach it is becoming a truism.

Legally women own their children now

Legally women have retained most of the privileges they were once afforded in lieu of 'the right to work' etc, while usurping those rights from men.

Why, because they can, many men used to take advantage of the system when it was skewed towards men's rights. Circumstances change, countries that still favour men or have equal rights and privileges for both sexes are in the ascendancy now.Is it just me or do you men feel like you have no control in relationship. Why are women selfish and dominant?
Women are not selfish guys are you need to stop sterotyping girls. Some girls aren't like that and to all you jerks who think that thats why you can't have a relatioship and really need to grow up and realize that girls are not just some play toy that you can boss around all day and expect them to do anything you ask but we are human to and expect to be treated with some respect! So back up and buddy and grow up!
haha....the only reason women are like that is bc we want what we want. we're not gunna pussy around and wait till a man figures out what we want...and there are times we want you to be dominant just look for the sign. if you dont get her first couple hints you've lost your chance. selfish def not. maybe the one your with but most would rather take care of you, give to you instead of take for ourselves. thats a real woman.
When you're in a relationship that you truly enjoy being in, you will know. Not all women are like that! lol Apparently it's only the ones that you are choosing.

You don't have to deal with that stuff. Men should feel in charge, because they usually are!
bc the men let us be its as simple as that men let us take control so we do someone has to have control maybe not total control but someone has to have some control hell i think its hot when a guy takes control but like i said if a man lets a woman take control they will not pass up the chance
I'm one of the women you're speaking of. However, I'd NEVER date a doormat man. I'd never date an arrogant, controlling man either. I'd only date a man who meshes in perfectly with me and I don't clash with.
I'm in a long term relationship, and it's the other way round. Although my partner is controlling, and decides what we do when, i dont mind, i hate being in control. maybe you've just come across the wrong women, lol.
I think it might be just you, yes there are women like that, so stop dating them, most women i know arn't selfish or dominant, you need give and take from both sides in a relationship for it to work.

Good Luck
well because sometimes guys dont give a damn.

sometimes we girls are forced to so the relationship can survive.

but it doesnt really work, it takes 2 to make a relationship
maybe it's the women u are choosing to date. besides, you teach people how to treat you. maybe you should stand up for yourself.
I think its just you ... I feel like I am always powerless in relationships. But its because I'm choosing jerks over and over. Take a look at the choices you are making, my friend.
Uhhh..stop stereotyping. Suuure woman are dominant, but not selfish. Maybe the guy just needs to STEP IT UP and take control.
either cause they are use to having guys that want dominant women or they been hurt and putting there foot down

or ur just too sweet of a guys that women take advantage of :)
As a women in that type relationship ..it is not gender specific.. you need to find some one else..and I need to get out too. It's not right either way,
this is the nature of women , and men have to deal with it , and shouldd know how to work with women
because they don't want to be dominated by men
its kind of difficult finding the balance. when dealing with relationships
Not all women are! I'm waiting for a man who is strong and decisive...I don't want to be in charge, lol.
Because without women men would just sit on there *** all day ! x

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